Recent content by Invasion

  1. I

    Is there any software better than Ares Galaxy, which never connects?

    I've installed different versions of Ares and none of them connects... all I see is the message 'connecting' and nothing happens.
  2. I

    How do I add/replace ''Break Fluid' to Alfa Romeo 155?

    It's my first time to ever do this and I have no idea where to find the spot where it is allocated, do I need to add it like I do with engine oil?
  3. I

    How do I view messages on my Samsung mobile after forgeting the password?

    I can access my phone with no problem except that I can't view my sms's because I put a password on it and can't just remember it.
  4. I

    What is the machine or software that compresses 10 to 20 movies to fit into one DVD?

    I've seen some DVD's consiting of more that 10 movies and was wondering if it's only a software that creates that or it needs a specific machine.
  5. I

    How do I convert protected music into MP3?

    I have realised that my Media Player was set in protected and all the music I have loaded in it has been protectedl. Now when I play it doesn't play anymore and asks for the licence on the web and after I download it it gives me a message that I have downloaded it more than 10 times. I need a...
  6. I

    Why is it that my Kaspersky 2009 Antivirus keeps blocking my internet connection?

    I use a removable USD to connect to the internet and after I installed the latest Karspersky, it blocks my connecyion until I remove it then I can connect again to the internet. It says dialing Blocked and there is no option where I can go and set it as Trusted.
  7. I

    What format do I convert Mp4 videos to and ensure they show in full size?

    I have downloaded videos from Youtube unfortunatly they only show in the smallest size and would like to see them in full size but don't know how to do that.
  8. I

    Is it possible to record voice calls using Sonyericsson P1i?

    I need to be able to record some of the phone calls I make and receive.
  9. I

    How do I record voice "Calls" with a sonyericsson P1?

    I just need to know how to record either incoming or outgoing voice calls I make.
  10. I

    How do I record voice "Calls" with a sonyericsson P1?

    I just need to know how to record either incoming or outgoing voice calls I make.
  11. I

    What are the latest mobile phone that records "voice calls"?

    I need a phone that can allow me record any conversation I would have. Sometimes there are calls I receive that I just want to record them.
  12. I

    What's the difference and Link between Marketing and Sales?

    I personally understand that Marketing has to do about the understanding of the product and Sales is about how to approach and convince the customer to buy the products. Your opinions would be welcome to help me understand it better.