Recent content by Intrepid

  1. I

    road rage

    That's what I do, exept the time when someone followed me making face slashing and throat cutting gestures at me. I thought that needed action.
  2. I

    uncle roger said pacquiao/marquez/bradley are the only big fights for floyd?

    @boxing conquistador you're pulling mah leg...pac ducked martinez? really? never heard martinez called out pac, he even said pac was too small he cant go down for him, instead he'll hunt for floyd in 2013, he said this last year, he calls out floyd, he's willing to go down upto 150lbs and for a...
  3. I

    pacquiao fight has to happen says roger mayweather?

    @2:53 mins! really?!!! after the KO of the year? WTF?!!!! floyd must've really meant it wholeheartedly when he said no more fighting strong champs for him.
  4. I

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    hmmm... maybe you had poo in your inner ear?
  5. I

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Stargate (particularly SG-1) is the bestestest tv show ever made ever in the whole history of tv shows made (and those that haven't been made yet)! And no, I'm not an obsessed or slightly deranged fan of it, honest! It's a scifi tv show based off a movie:
  6. I

    So guess what small talk, i have teh bed bugs.

    Kill it with fire.
  7. I

    Calculus Anyone?

    i wish i took harder classes for science in high school. i'm getting raped right now.
  8. I

    Who Created God?

  9. I

    Guess what city me and my dad visit every summer and get a prize (for real).

    Salt Lake City? Assuming your from Utah as your thingy says.
  10. I

    Arguments against bacon...

    They do international shipping!!!
  11. I

    Chinese squat toilets? WTF -discuss-

    You don't have to worry about toilet seat spiders either.
  12. I

    Violent vs Peaceful protest

    They have also (today) assaulted a Police Officer to unconciousness, broken a hand of a female officer, injured the legs of another. Thats 1 less Police Unit patrolling the streets. Not including the Police Van they destroyed, so thats another vehicle that needs to be taken out of Police...
  13. I

    Favorite pop

    Soda... and mine is Pepsi, or Dr. Pepper.
  14. I

    Man vs Shark

    The pool attendants get a little worried but what are they going to say?
  15. I

    new here

    Hi Jeremy, errr Dante, errr Roga FuFu-ken Welcome to MAP - here's you official guided tour... Click stuff