Recent content by indianjohn

  1. I

    Late night jams music thread
  2. I

    Makes you wonder ....

    Probably died of boredom if that's what he was doing.
  3. I

    Came out

    I don't like fags for one main reason: they throw it in everyones face. Like you. Your gay? Cool idc, keep it to your fucking self.
  4. I

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Back from my daughters (6.5 y/o) first judo competition a rollercoaster ride! First fight she was like a deer in the head lights, used to gentle club practice. This was 4 r34Lz!! FIGHT 1:she was taken down and into kesagatame. She never gave up and fought for her opponants legs the whole...
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    Did not realize he had actual mental problems

    Make fun all you want! What do I care you're just a bunch of nobodies on the net who don't have a life! You’re all pointless and hypocrites! I.....I....I'm going to right a very stern blog about all you yeah er yeah that's it!
  6. I

    Miley Cyrus hot or not?

  7. I

    Who is your favourite user on TSR?

    InvoluntarySlacker is just too long to type. And I hate being called IS :#
  8. I

    The blatant lies thread

    This isn't the blatent lies thread Rich!
  9. I

    MAP is awesome

    If you get my Map Is Awesome thread locked I'm going to hunt you down and sacrafice you to Lily Skrom!
  10. I

    Imagine punching somebody so hard that they turned into a door.

    I caught a mudkip with a greatball. I have also caught a mewtwo with a REGULAR POKEBALL. OOHHH And yes, if you punch a door it will turn into the original person it came from...but you have to do it hard enough, like blowing up the galaxy hard enough.
  11. I

    Hints for Starting University

    So if I want to have ANY great memories and crazy fun in my first year I sould ignore all the seniors advice Getting a job before uni even starts? Turning down a kebab at 2am on my first night? Not making good use of my student loan? is this really the example you all want to set?
  12. I

    It could happen to anyone...

    I thought it was real. (I might start using this site for my English conversation classes. See how long it takes for the group to figure out the articles are a joke!)
  13. I

    Leave SUV drivers alone

    I'm disturbed too WHat's with me and takin threads off topic, im gonna get sin-binned for it soon
  14. I

    Anonymous VS Scientology in Vancouver

    He gnna kil u:dodgy: :dodgy: