Recent content by IMnotSAYINGmyNAME

  1. I

    Find the weirdest/coolest expensive shit on ebay :dodgy:
  2. I

    Hypocrisy of modern-day Europe and Freedom of Speech

    I understand what you are saying, but I don't think that works in this particular case. As long as they don't violate the TOS, there is nothing to stop people posting extreme political views on MAP. Now a lot of these neo-nazis are very sneaky. They try to make it sound like they are posts...
  3. I

    Rate the poster above you

    Reported/reported For scamming
  4. I

    Split- US Donations

    If your interested in saving American taxpayers money you can reduce the defense budget.
  5. I

    dodgeball teams names

    I like "Off in Public." That way when you win you go around saying "Nobody can beat Off in Public!"
  6. I

    Pizza is a veg-a-ma-table?

    and whilst this is partly true - at least he actually tried... it sort of worked when he did it in the UK... he thought that if he tried it in the states he might make it as big as Gordon Ramsey... but when he started out he almost had honourable intentions... does that count even just a little bit?
  7. I

    so ST, whatcha think of my creation

    oh. then i dont know what size those are 1-2 is good if your just lookin to get fucked up. even with 2 i still pass out eventually
  8. I

    Sharapova Def. Davenport!

    and she did it
  9. I

    Doctor responsible for finding Bin Laden jailed for 30 years.

    No, they wouldn't. If an American turned in the most wanted terrorist in the world to a NATO ally's intelligence service and that service captured and extracted him on US soil, the US would be embarrassed, charges might be filed, but I strongly doubt anyone would spend 30 years in prison...
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    You have to get background checked when you buy any firearm. I guess Cowboys fans really are this stupid. :dodgy:
  11. I

    Thank God for Allah!

    Well don't the police review each crime on a case-by-case basis? So what I mean is the severity of the threat, the evidence against the individual (such as known terrorism involvement, interaction with people know to be involved, wiretapping, etc). If all this suggests that the person likely is...
  12. I

    Who knows the secret to a good Italian tomato sauce?

    Best pasta sauce I've ever made is half a ring of thinly sliced chorizo, fried until lightly browned then add a carton of passata and some basil to it and cook it for 20 minutes. All the oil comes out of the chorizo and mixes in with the tomato sauce, its lush with some melted cheese on top...