Recent content by iDriveAlude

  1. iDriveAlude

    Presidents need wars.

    I think that he should be tried for war crimes. If this was any other leader in the world, OUR government would be calling for his head. We have lost respect all over the world in almost every country. When I travel for the DOE we are told to hide our passports and deny that we're american...
  2. iDriveAlude

    racial comments?

    I never said it was right, I just said it doesnt make him a racist.
  3. iDriveAlude

    Latest squid news

    No - it's destiny! It is their time to take their rightful place as rulers of the planet.
  4. iDriveAlude

    The Presents thread....

    Sorry Hap, not really sure what you like, but going from this; I give you this; English humor
  5. iDriveAlude

    leet speak class

    3y3 0\/\/|\| j00 411
  6. iDriveAlude


    I clean the mats with my sweat! True story.
  7. iDriveAlude


    Yankees SPANKED the Red Sox !! What a game .... !! They do play with their heart but also with their soul and with a degree of intelligence on the side.... (as in martial arts need to tie that in here ... both physical & mental) You'll never see a Yankee wearing 2 coffee cups on their ears...
  8. iDriveAlude

    Sex and The City

    I agree. Especiallly with the crappy Reality TV shows. They suck, yet they come out with more and more!!! It drives me crazy watching the commercials, and they seem to get stupider and stupider
  9. iDriveAlude

    which way is she spinning?

    Yea, it is the eye reshaping the image again no mater which way you look. This gives it the possibility to change her spin. That is just my opinion.
  10. iDriveAlude

    A Question for Mormons (split from Rev. Bill Keller)

    It was part of the old Jewish tradition - Solomon's Temple is one example. You'll find it a lot in the Old Testament if you look for it. The purpose was somewhat different, and if I remember correctly it was only the Levites who were allowed in most of it (I could be wrong, it's been a long...
  11. iDriveAlude

    Choosing the sex of your baby

    No you misunderstand (if that post was directed at the to and fro between me and Johnno). You said about having kids... 'Ugh. That's my life down the drain.' ...I'm merely explaining that for the vast majority of people (or just me and Johnno maybe?) it's the exact opposite of that. My life has...
  12. iDriveAlude

    Message for Van Zandt

  13. iDriveAlude

    Army Medic or Navy Corpsman

  14. iDriveAlude

    The opposite of Light....

    your mother. I win