Recent content by IceSCREAM

  1. I

    Better than knocking on a sound-proof door...

    Because the begining is picked by any one person at any one time, only you can determine the point that you want to start drawing at.
  2. I

    Sleeping with older woman

    I've got a highschool buddy who works in AB on an oilrig but also has a GF that's 42 with a daughter same age as him (20). Yeah, i can only hope they have crazy and kinky threesomes.
  3. I

    What would small talk call the things in I Am Legend?

    Vampires. Movie just does a dick-shit job of explaining it, or even portraying it.
  4. I

    Spartan Sprint in Amesbury Sports Complex

    Nooo, I tought Spartan sprints involved ripped oiled guys in tight almost-non-existent armours Seriously, it's always enjoyable to read about this stuff you do. Hope to meet you at such an event, too!
  5. I

    Elaborate Bank Heists

    1) watch batman 2) 3)profit
  6. I

    At what age did you find out about porn/way of the hand?

    my old old computer had pop ups, a lot of them. so yea, 3 years old.
  7. I

    recent pro life republican actions recently.

    very important point. just look at the laws that conservative majorities in state and national legislatures have passed or are attempting to pass. also, just check the contraception controversies that have gone on recently. republicans/conservatives are actually waging a war on the...
  8. I

    Coffee vs. Energy Drinks

  9. I

    USA Experimented on People in Guatemala

    Mooses, a flock of large hairy things with REALLY big antlers. They do nasty things to cars when you run into them. There was one that became famous for a saturday morning cartoon where he hung out with a squirrel and two Rooskies. There was also one who hung out with captain kangaroo and had...
  10. I

    Dont You Hate It When

    Who? I texted him and like "so you coming to work tonight?" and he's like "shit I'm at a Cavs game! I forgot to put it up on Swapboard". GG fucking noob, so I sent my boss an email saying retard hasn't showed up two days in a row and to get me someone who can read a schedule.
  11. I

    Typhoon Season Has Arrived!!!

    Not to mention, they rinse everything nicely! Living in Florida, and previously North Carolina, I all to acquainted with Mother Nature's pressure washers....
  12. I

    Topic Of Random Factoids And Trivial Information

    You can't be worse than a certain German kid on Youtube... (Sorry Doc!)
  13. I

    Chi meditation: A man who has lived 65 years without food and drink

    This could solve the impending world food crisis. Where do I find reliable sources for all of these studies? I'd like to learn to do it myself.
  14. I

    Paintball FTMFW

    Why? This isn't related to per-say, just I see it as getting me out of a ticket.