Recent content by hope

  1. H

    Just need to vent no answer needed?

    I understand. Best to ignore all that negative energy from your family and find positive people to hang with. Learn to relax. If you need to vent more just email me. I'm a good listener.
  2. H

    will everyone work from home in the future, with all the technology?

    Who will be left to fix your car, repair your internet cable or deliver your pizza?? I don't think so.
  3. H

    How do you prove your ballet teacher tour ready for point, and how do you know?

    Ask her like this. "Mrs (Insert name) I have been working really hard and I was wondering if I'm ready for pointe? If not, what can I do to be prepared and ready and how soon?" It worked for me and it will tell your instructor that you have ambition.
  4. H

    what to feed my 14 month old son when out 4 a vacation?

    we will be staying at a hotel and travelling a lot too so shud i take provisions n cook 4 him there or keep him on fruits n ceralac
  5. H

    Did Amanda Bynes get a boob job?

    I was looking at her in the television show "What I Like About You" and she was always flat chested. And then she did Maxim and her boobs are like freaking huge. They look really fake.
  6. H

    Good photo editor apps for iphone?

    Preferably ones that dont require in app purchases (but paid apps are fine) Some photo retouching and filter apps for selfies and whatnot haha (: reviews would also be helpful. Thanks!
  7. H

    Harry Potter Question?

    Ok I didn't finish the books bc I didn't have time and I wanted to know why snape is called the Half blood prince- the movie doesn't explain.
  8. H

    my brother wants to have sex but i don't know......?

    my younger brother is 15 and he and this girl have dated for about 1 year and he is still a virgin but he really wants to have sex with her and I am not really sure if I should tell him that its ok or that he should wait and why or if he doesn't wait what are some things he needs to do
  9. H

    Question about updating my iTouch?

    I asked this question in a different category, but nobody is answering. I'm not very computer, tech saavy, so bear with me here please, lol. I have a 4th generation i-Pod touch. I just got a new laptop and wanted an iTunes account on my laptop, so I transferred my music onto my laptop from the...
  10. H

    Question about updating my iTouch? Need help from someone who knows what

    they're doing? I'm not very computer, tech saavy, so bear with me here please, lol. I have a 4th generation i-Pod touch. I just got a new laptop and wanted an iTunes account on my laptop, so I transferred my music onto my laptop from the desktop and started a new iTunes account. The problem is...
  11. H

    Does Action Replay DSI work on Animal Crossings Wild World?

    I know for the original Action Replay for the DS did, but I was wondering if it worked for the DSI? I just bought a DSI and a brand new Animal Crossings game since I sold my old ones and I wanted to use Action Replay for it. Thanks :)
  12. H

    What to do when someone spreads rumors about you that are true?

    first off it was ONE guy not 20 of them so you wont be labled a slut. it was a mistake a one time mistake. own up to it admit you did it and that it wont happen again. And wth does his EX care about what you guys did its none of her buisness and no body elses either.
  13. H

    My iPhone is iOS 4.1, how do I update to 6?

    Hope, Nigeria
  14. H

    Whats the point of a mobile gaming headset ?

    So you can listen to things...
  15. H

    Im inviting a friend over from turkey, but i rent my flat do i need a

    letter from my landlord agreeing its ok? I am inviting my 2 very close friends over from Turkey i have known them both for 4 years now & have visited them in Turkey many times. However i want to invite them to the UK for a 2 week holiday. I know that i need to write a letter of invitation and i...