Recent content by HobbieHorse

  1. H

    Christians, how are you so sure that Jesus is the son of God?

    The writers of the bible just kept stepping on their di(ks, didn't they?
  2. H

    Religion: can we just clear this up once & for all?

    Your section on atheism is utterly offensive and insulting.
  3. H

    R&S ATHEISTS: When someone rants on and on about a real;, literal, and inescapable?

    R&S ATHEISTS: When someone rants on and on about a real;, literal, and inescapable? 'hell', and then threatens someone with that 'hell' if their beliefs do not conform to a set of guidelines produced by a bunch of ignorant, flea-bitten, goat-herding primitives, is that person any better...
  4. H

    The birth of Jesus was written in prophecy hundreds of years before his birth,...

    So you're saying the 'bible' is true because the 'bible' says its true. Ever heard of external, substantiating evidence?
  5. H

    How did the Egyptians come before Christ?

    Read some good world history books. The Egyptians had a thriving and old civilization long before the time of 'jesus'.
  6. H

    Does the fact that no matter how much they rant and rave, creationists are not...

    ...going to get their silly? creationism/ID nonsense into the curricula of respectable colleges and universities in the Western world? Now, they do get to teach that idiocy in diploma mills like Liberty U., Bo(o)b Jones U, and Oral Roberts U, but we all know the academic standing of those jokes.
  7. H

    is atheism becoming a religion ?

    Is bald becoming a hair color? Until you--and those like you--can come up with credible, tangible, concrete evidence that ANY 'god' exists, expect to be challenged by those of us who don't believe.
  8. H

    When people tell you that they worship a magic, invisible, all-powerful unicorn,...

    ...and if you don't believe in? it also, you will suffer horrible, hideous, and unimaginable torment and agony forever, do you think them totally deranged or just irritatingly delusional? And why should it be any different if someone substitutes the word 'god' for the word 'unicorn'?
  9. H

    Do some Christians actually believe Jesus is coming in 5 months?

    If any of them want to sell their houses at a ridiculously low price, jump on the sale.
  10. H

    Why do some 'christians' get so arressively possessive about Dec. 25th,...

    ...when even a casual perusal of the? scriptures suggests that the 'jesus' character was born in the spring?
  11. H

    Christians, does God protect you when evil is afoot?

    I saw a lot of people die back in 1969. I knew some of them. Some were 'christian', some weren't. When they got hit, they bled and died, without regard to their religion or lack thereof.
  12. H

    Why are the middle ages called the christian centuries?

    Because if you lived in Europe and weren't a 'christian', thugs from the church would murder you.
  13. H

    What do you think it would have been like if Jesus Christ had not come?

    He would have had one hell of a case of blue balls.
  14. H

    When 'christians' moan and whine and weasel about how 'persecuted' they are, and

    then rage at LGBTs like? rabid badgers in heat, do you ever want to just get in their faces, first with a laugh and then with something with a bit more mass and velocity?
  15. H

    Is a religion ('chrisianity') that preaches all are doomed sinners unless you...

    ...sign up for the cruise with? a savior ('jesus') and put your money in the collection plate, anything other than a huge, money-making, and basically deceitful scam?