Recent content by herblaura

  1. H

    Baking recipes!!!!!!?

    This site allows you to search recipes by ingredient. Really good :-)
  2. H

    if "cold" is when molecules aren't moving a lot, and "warm" is when they...

    The large scale moving of wind is not the same as the vibration of individual molecules
  3. H

    mayan religion and a 12 page paper?

    As long as you don't go on about the 2012 hype you'll be ok
  4. H

    Don't you think all the new technologies coming up for personal gadgets are of

    Yes, companies exist to make money, and when we don't need any more stuff, they will convince us that we do because the latest is better through advertising so that they can continue to fill their role
  5. H

    Don't you think all the new technologies coming up for personal gadgets are of

    Yes, companies exist to make money, and when we don't need any more stuff, they will convince us that we do because the latest is better through advertising so that they can continue to fill their role
  6. H

    Which female singer made you feel good all over when you hear her music more?

    None of them. My choice is Camille O'Sullivan. Look her up.