Recent content by handsofgold79

  1. H

    There was a abandon boat on the side of the freeway I saw today.. So how come...

    ...anyone just can't hook it .? to there vehicle and take over ownership since it was abandon? I know it was abandon cause it had the Bright orange sticker on it. It was a nice big boat too.
  2. H

    What Celebrity repulses you?

    and why?
  3. H

    To ppl that have any other the SIMs games.........?

    I installed it and the games was working perfectly and I only use it a few times but now all of the sudden it is major slow and not working at all like it did when I first installed it like over 3 wks ago. What is the deal with it???
  4. H

    Which celebrity are you tired of hearing about?

    Miley the Jonas Brothers Angelina and Brad Jennifer Aniston Obama
  5. H

    Is there a celebrity (actor or musician) that doesn't have the nicest way about

    themselves but You don't care.? and still love them no matter what?
  6. H

    How are you able to head butt someone where to crack there head or knock them out...

    ...without you getting hurt..? yourself?
  7. H

    If you could eat whatever you liked and still be healthy what would you be...

    dunkin donuts, pizza loaded, checkers burgers, w fries, pepsi, chips, cookies , buffets..... Thanks now I'm getting hungry!
  8. H

    If you destroy any 3 celebrities?

    hahaahahahhaha! Yea the Jonas Brothers, Mily Cyrus, and Meagan from Rock of love she ain't a celebrity but I'm tired of seeing her on TV!
  9. H

    how can I get around the internet blocker at work?

    Your asking to be fired!
  10. H

    Who's a celebrity that you couldn't stand when they were first around but...

    ...over the yrs you become to love ..? them? Mine would be Britney Spears couldn't even stand to hear her speak but over the yrs I've grown fond of her.
  11. H

    Celebrity rehab question?

    to the person that said that the models mom used up all of her inheritence to send her there is not true cause VH1 are the ones that paid for it. I would say the time that you spend there would be like up to $50,000 a visit. maybe even more.
  12. H

    Best/worst celebrity mugshot? Which of these is the most scary? ?

    I didn't click on the links but I would say Micheal Jackson!
  13. H

    If someone stuck your in a locked room and made you listen to Heavy Metal or...

    ...Country Music, What would you ..? choose. And why that one over the other? I asked that Cause I can't stand neither LOL and I know those 2 style alot of ppl dont like neither so what one???
  14. H

    Is it snowing where you live yet?

    New Jersey here and nothign yet!
  15. H

    Is Mily Cyrus that next teen in Hollywood to be knocked up?

    How long do you give it?