Recent content by guraqt2me

  1. G

    If Judaism stands against superstition, how is it that we have the hand...

    I'm a Christian and if it wasn't for the Jewish people, retaining and sustaining the Bible (Old Testament Covenant account), we Christians would not have the opportunity to understand the NEW Covenant we embrace today. One cannot comprehend the New Covenant of the Holy Bible without that of the...
  2. G

    What exactly is this Guadaloupe "miracle" that is supposed to prove the

    This point of view is usually shared by those of the Catholic faith - not Christians in general. Therefore, you are being very "general" in your assertion that this event "proves the existence of the Christian God". At least if you are going to "bash" upon Christians, get your facts straight...
  3. G

    What's the Christian thing to do about this situation?

    Anyways; what I do is take the person either, to a restaurant to have a meal or to the clothing / grocery store. To just, contribute to the poor man's problem of blowing the $ on gambling is in all reality, contributing to his problem - not the solution. Since you have stated, that this poor...
  4. G

    According to religions marriage is only for producing children?

    I think that both of your views, are somewhat, tainted. (no offence intended). The story of Onan was a lesson for those, at that particular time, that not listening to God's instructions, has dire consequences. Onan was told to impregnate his dead brother's wife but decided to let the floor be...
  5. G

    If we go to heaven when we die do you think we can still have a drink and a...

    Have you not read where Jesus promised His people that they would drink wine in the Kingdom of God at His return to earth? This will be one party that the entire world should not miss.
  6. G

    What is your religion?

    Well; here's a menu of some of the most popular for today: drugs, sex, booze, intellectualism, careers, cars, homes, education, movies, movie stars, sports, food, self, friends, etc. - whatever, you serve is your god.
  7. G

    Do you believe there should be the same church on earth now as the one Jesus

    No but variations of that church with similar dogma overall. The apostle Paul addressed the "many parts of the body of Christ" [Christian churches] ( First Corinthians, Chapter 12, verses 14 - 16 ). Although all parts may differ in function, they are essential for proclaiming the Gospel of...
  8. G

    Did Biblical prophecy fail on earthquakes today?

    That all depends on whether or not, you regard earthquakes throughout all of human history, as "end-time" prophesies. Actually, the earth or world will never end but the real wording the Bible refers to is an end to an age. The earth will not "end" with earthquakes but with mankind ruining it...
  9. G

    Christian couples................?

    All starts or is founded in your relationship with God. When this is established, your relationship with others will fare well with you (and them). When you internalize what the love of God means and is, then you will true peace and understanding (with a whole lot of hope and optimism to go...
  10. G

    Does The Book of Hebrews 8:4 rebunked Jesus Christ existence?

    No ... not at all. Jesus was never a priest but the son of God or God in the flesh [human form]. This has nothing to do with Christ being authorized to preach. Moses, for example, was not a priest but spoke often to the nation of Israel concerning God's will for them. The role of a priest in...
  11. G

    i was trolling for a laugh and..?

    All it would take is for some kid to accuse you of being a pedo-perp. The government [cops] check out your computer and find that you attempted it (even if a joke) and you are going to jail !
  12. G

    It's easy to see the Pagan roots of Christianity - what about Judaism?

    And specifically what are those "Pagan roots" associated with Christianity? Do tell all - if you will ?
  13. G

    Christians: Who initiated your relationship with God? Did you seek God, or...

    Since you asked. God did both the callin' and the haulin' !!! Prior to that, I was a devout Atheist.
  14. G

    In Christian mythology, why did God first create man and then woman?

    There were no Christians around at the time the first man and woman was created. Therefore, your question is a myth !