Recent content by Guardian

  1. G

    Looking at my workout plan, how long to see results on the gym?

    If your skinny I'd drop the cardio on weight days Secondly Split your body groups Day 1 shoulders chest Military presses 3-4 sets 6 reps Chest Incline bench presses 4 sets 4 to 6 reps Flat bench presses 4 sets 4 to 6 reps Day 2 Back legs arms Bent over barbell rows 3 sets 10 8 8 Pull downs...
  2. G

    Christians, what do you do when you are horny but don't want to sin?

    Well I'm told we're all sinners and will remain so until judgement day So I Choose to relieve myself and take care of business rather then inflict my lust upon another person in the abscence of love... I don't advertise myself and I behave decent in public , my sexual urges are no one else's...
  3. G

    Bodybuilding dot com shows how delusional body builders are.?

    of course its not true... i took up weights as a teen, because i was skinny, and i dated as a skinny guy and dated as a buffed guy now im slim and toned and get dates now any body shape attracts a girl, its not one type fits all that is as stupid as some guys thinking big penis size...
  4. G

    What does Judaism teach about Saul's experience in 1 Samuel 10:1-9?

    Do they teach that Saul was born again that day? What does Sanuel mean when he says, " 6 Then (L)the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you mightily, and (M)you shall prophesy with them and be changed into another man."? 1 Samuel 10:1-9 New American Standard Bible (NASB) Saul among Prophets...
  5. G

    TEEN BODYBUILDING: Preworkout Supplements?? Yes or NO?? C4 and M5?

    you it going to bulk up through vitmains pills or powders i was skinny too kid when i was your age and i bulked up through eating more lifting heavy and workong out relgiiously 6 days a week 22 years later i still do it and maintain a muscle bound frame i never touched pills or protein...
  6. G

    Me and my boyfriend have sex but it hurts when I'm on top...?

    so tell him and change positions this isnt part of your job description its a relationship
  7. G

    Any good motivation to go to the gym or eat healthier?

    sure visit your hospital renal ward, cancer units and icu youll find plenty. of people in there due to poor eating no exercise , some on dialysis, missing limbs from poor circulation amd heart related disease waiting to die or organ transplants.. its your body, love it and it will take...
  8. G

    Boyfriend complains about my weight?

    What I think don't really matter Yur not asking my opinion on him But Your telling us how he's behaving towards you How does it make you feel? Act on it and tell him, instead of telling will do more good
  9. G

    I'm a homosexual and want to meet someone on a gay dating site. Are dating...

    You will suffer the same risks as any other person straight or gay. Such as being stalked scammed and deceived I never met anyone bad or devious on proper sites where singles wanted to meet and had some nice encounters, for those your better of paying for it. but on normal chat sites you get...
  10. G

    Does religion divide people?

    Sad but true For the genuine small percentage of religious people who demonstrate tolerance they are often lost in the mass of religious people who are judgements, As a Christian I'm sick and tired of Christians or other religious people judging who is a sinner or going to hell...they would be...
  11. G

    What kind of food/nutritions are healthy and good for your teeth and to gain weight?

    eating lean meat, red meat for females needs to be more then males eat vegetables fruits dairy nuts and do daily cardio of up to 30 minutes and add streghening excerises 3 times a week cheers
  12. G

    How can i gym at home?

    Pull ups Leg raises Leg curls Lunges Squats
  13. G

    This is going to sound super freaking lg but here it goes...?

    That was super long? haha hardly. I was expecting like 3 pages lol your fine, if he doesn't like you as more then a friend then start to accept that and act like a positive confident friend because lets face it, what you expected aint there so no need to worry about disapointment or rejection...
  14. G

    would be unfair to ask my gf to follow some rules when meeting my family?

    no thats fine. your smart thinking ahead to prevent any issue or embarrassment! I often warn my dates about my family and say hey , don't do this or say this or act like this. Only cause i don't want my dates to feel uncomfortable :) cheers
  15. G

    Do you have different hug styles for different people?

    haha your over thinking this way too much! :) If you like someone and you know them well you will hug them gently and perhaps kiss their cheek. If they are friends you can hug them warmly and kiss or not kiss. If you really like someone and know them rarely you dont hug until you know them...