Recent content by GrisselM

  1. G

    Where have all the muscly guys gone?

    Pretty hench. I can bench 140kg. I have an 8-pack. I work out for 2 hours a day though (not sundays - only 250 press ups and sit ups, mix and match. I live wildly) My thighs are rock solid too. Kinda makes my penis look tiny. But oh well, we know who the real man is here :yep:
  2. G

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    i just slept all that i hadn't slept in the past month, more or less
  3. G

    Languages You Speak

    English and Mandarin fluently. Cantonese fairly well. Some gaelic but I've forgotten more than I remember. Judo and akijutsu related Japanese.
  4. G

    David Blaine

    yes he is
  5. G

    Unofficial DnD thread

    One of my mates plays Grey Knights. They are the beardiest bloody things in the game. Bah! You should play proper armies like my beloved Imperial Guard (23rd Cadian Fusiliers) or my Tau (K'Yon Ha'Po - Geddit Spooky?). I also play Eldar and recently Crimson Fists Space Marines as a side project.
  6. G

    Ghost Stories

    i would be more worried about the tacky sun tan!!
  7. G

    whats the weirdest place youve had sex?

    In a chuck-e cheese.
  8. G

    Should I work at the 'Tea Room' w/ my mom?...

    Your a fag, its better than working at a construction company making minimum sweatin your ass off.
  9. G

    Yoga = Devil

    Sooooo according to this when i was a child i was very very interested in reading the 3-4 books of the devil... and i have practiced the devil while trying to increase my flexibility a while ago,
  10. G

    Anonymous VS Scientology in Vancouver

    Extremely well done. I was, unfortunatly, unaware of any near-by raids, or else I would've been a part of it. Hopefully there will be more.
  11. G

    LOLcats/caturday thread!
  12. G

    If you had to fight a lion, how would you do it?

    Can I go all Roman and bring a Xtian with me?
  13. G

    Are Clowns Scary?

    im not too fussed with clowns, but can understand how some will find them scary
  14. G

    Guy rules

    Guy rule #73: Real men shave their heads.
  15. G

    Wedding Fight

    I didn't know you knew my folks