Recent content by Griff

  1. G

    Stupid alert.....

    LMAO! People that dumb deserve to be scammed. Reminds me of the guy that bought a pound coin for £1.20.
  2. G

    Obtained More Stuff

    Why is this useless shit open, but a bunch of threads that actually made Small Talk fun and entertaining, while at the same time opened up the younger kids to the importance of voting, are all closed? Doesn't add up!
  3. G

    Shootings in Virginia

    I don't know where we have something to learn. We cannot institutionalize people against their will and in the modern theories of institutionalization, the settings are almost considered triage- get them stable enough to get them out. Without having access to his charts, there isn't much...
  4. G

    I Hate Life

    Either work it out or walk away. But don't use her for sex. That is just cruel to her and yourself. When you are purposefully cruel, you loose a part of yourself. The next cruel act becomes easier. And the next. Its not worth it.
  5. G

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Just wnat to say that the shrapnel found was not from a landmine but from an artillery shell. Here is a link to the Human Rights Watch, whcih discusses in detail their belief the IDF was responsible. Also keep in mind Israel has a long...
  6. G

    Would you hug a gay guy?

    I have.. No biggie.
  7. G

    LOTR the MAP version

    Put me in with Legolas! [sp?] |Cain|
  8. G

    California IS going to fall off !

    cant wait
  9. G

    The most excessive Nerf gun ever

    I have the shotgun as well and I have two Tommy guns that I gave to my little cousin. I'm strapped like car seats. Otherwise, I wasn't allowed to bring the gun to the engagement party. Apparently "Cotton Eyed Joe" was the pinnacle of excitement, and a Nerf M60 was way over the top. I'll make a...
  10. G

    Funny ebay ad

  11. G

    US embassies attacked

    No actually it's the Americans who claim we'd all be speaking German if it wasn't for them riding in heroically at the 11th hour to save us all that ignore the sacrifice and suffering of men and boys conscripted to fight. Not given a choice. Simply told. Churchill and his war cabinet even...
  12. G

    For all of you weapon officianados....

    Gator's don't shoot back with machine guns?
  13. G

    3 things to conquer for 2011

    Continue loosing weight and go down at least one weight class. Mostly health wise but also to convince people I am actually small 9/10. Hell I might even post some before and after pics. Get my studies sorted out and find a career. 12/10 To lift several times Corona's weight. If she can do...
  14. G

    Hm, how do you throw out a garbage can?

    My dad had an old smoker he wanted to get rid of, but didn't care to pay to throw it away at the dump. Left it near our driveway (keep in mind we don't live on THAT busy of a road, and not in a subdivision) with a sign that said 'FREE' on it, was gone in less than 2 hours. Put free on it...
  15. G

    Calling all gardeners!

    OK here is my design as a rough (good as it's going to get) plan it's not showing the mermaid but that'll just be a manikin top half with a wig in one part of the pond and a tail sticking out a few feet away That's not the finished backdrop either. Probably more fun to photograph my own one...