Recent content by GreenDragon

  1. G

    Help Me! Kitten Dying!!!

    fuckin vet vetanarian.......
  2. G

    Remembered STers...

    joe pass :dodgy: But half the people think are legends, are just good, semi-constant posters.
  3. G

    A whole new low...

    i wouldn't call this a new low for 4chan. its more of an equal and sustained low that they have been keeping for a while. Still its not like he got hit by a car or something. Trains run on tracks. You know where they are going to be and you can see them coming. get out of the way.
  4. G

    Hurrah! MAP is back!

    yep! also, my god can beat up your god, my MA is better than yours, point fighting sucks, and you're all TEH NOOBS!
  5. G

    Who wants to be a pirate?

    Yarghh, you could join me, and we be viking togetha yarghhh! Up to the bonnie lass cap'ns tho yarghhhh
  6. G

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    But he wasn't a boy racer. Just an ordinary car, wife and two kids with him. Did a stupid maneuver because a car 2 in front of me was going slightly slower than he wanted and then stuck his fingers up when I complained about it. Although also...went to the supermarket too and was dismayed to see...
  7. G

    French Door Repair

    It can be expensive. If the studs around it have rotted and you need to have the doorway re framed you're looking at a couple grand. And most contractors will just throw in a new unit rather then waste the labor of re-doing an old one. Plus if it's not a standard size you'll get up charged by...
  8. G

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" Allow me to clarify. If a private seller legally purchases a new gun from a dealer. Then decides they do not want the gun, they can sell it to whomever However; One such person, had a few new guns and was trying to sell them as a private...
  9. G

    What kind of car do you drive?

    Awesome! I'm afraid I can't contribute anything as spectacular as that, since I rarely drive anymore (I get chauffeured about town - lucky me!). Seriously, my wife HATES my driving (and is a control-freak to boot), so my butt is always parked in the passenger's seat. To answer the question...
  10. G

    4 out of 10 women sexually harassed.

    How people dress is their own business and does not excuse any form of behavior on another's part. Mitch
  11. G

    Mitt Romney

    Vote third party. Not voting makes you complicit in the deterioration of democracy, but a protest vote will eventually make you heard.
  12. G

    Forced To Go To A Prom....

    Just tell her to go pleasure herself, or just ditch her.
  13. G

    Questions about evolution and Darwin

    he's facepalming because you're posting this here most likely.
  14. G

    I got my girlfriend prego. :(

    I am in favor of previously mentioned ragu
  15. G

    The New Toy

    Yay for well paying job.