Recent content by GracieM

  1. G


    there is a chemical named americium or something
  2. G


  3. G

    The perfect MA story

    He inquired of the woman why her baby was unconcious and bleeding, to find the answer was completely unexpected.
  4. G

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    You're not really this dense, are you? (and it was my parents, my sister, and myself that were driven out, not my grandparents)
  5. G

    free swimming lessons from me

    look at his penis
  6. G

    Most valuable possesion

    my computer also.
  7. G

    Loch Ness

    I'm now thoroughly ashamed of myself. What an incredibly sleazy thing to say.
  8. G

    Trees are cool, man.

    nova scotia?! BC>Nova Scotia> quebec,ontario
  9. G

    Camel Crush

    Overseas, duh. Thats the answer to everything in the good U S of A
  10. G

    that one random hair V2.0

    My dog doesnt really have any private parts anymore. We nipped that shit in the bud.
  11. G

    Really struggling right now...

    From what I can tell from what you post here on MAP I'd go so far as to say you seem to be more confident and comfortable in your own skin. ... And your new avatar is awesome!
  12. G

    Wild accussation

    m1k3jobs is so dumb he doesnt know its XA-RA-CHUN-KWON-SLAPJITSU-RYU-KANGOROO
  13. G

    Role playing & tabletop games.

    Role playing & tabletop games. Call of Cthulu FTW!!!!
  14. G


    And it's fun and has a Stargate group - what more do you want in a site?!