Recent content by Gottuhbeuhhthinker

  1. G

    Xbox live connection help!?

    With my xbox live, I can connect, but when I try to play online, like a game like halo, it says that it can't connect to the halo 3 server.
  2. G

    alternatives to prizerebel?

    what is a good wesite that i can get xbox 360 things? i tried prizerebe, but i live in canada so there isnt nough offers. i tried rewards1 but it doesnt work good. what can i use?
  3. G

    Rogers or Telus Pay&Talk?

    i want a pay and talk phone, i live in canada, so rogers or telus. this is mostly for texting, but i will have to call my mom alot from dances and stuff. i would like a keyboard, but its not necessary. so which one do you think is better?
  4. G

    Rogers or Telus Pay&Talk?

    i want a pay and talk phone, i live in canada, so rogers or telus. this is mostly for texting, but i will have to call my mom alot from dances and stuff. i would like a keyboard, but its not necessary. so which one do you think is better?
  5. G

    Cracked iPhone Screen?

    you would need the receit. and im not sure if apple covers accidental damage.