Recent content by gothopem

  1. G

    Wish me luck!

    Well done man. Err, I mean Dr Man, errr. Sir...
  2. G

    The blatant lies thread

    g would know
  3. G

    when texting...?

    Guilty . But any other answer would result in more talking, right?
  4. G

    Crazy Granny

    What's PMSL???
  5. G

    The Ultimate Sandwich thread!

    Mexican cheese!
  6. G

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Cheers for that. I'll see what I can do, things should start to wind down here a bit in the next week or so and I'll see if I can get a few days away. Can't promise anything though, work is dependent on the weather which is a bit changeable at the moment and so making plans for anything more...
  7. G

    ice cubes?

    You've got a thing against Flavor Ice? That stuff is fantastic.
  8. G

    back to school dance

    i got to the club sometimes. does that count?
  9. G

    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    Awww, poor kitty.
  10. G

    The Big Cat Thread

    Awesome stalking and killing technique. i love big cats. lion, tigers, i watch many wild documentaries. killing is what they do to survive, to feed. they see a target and sometimes successful others not. If humans are in such hunting grounds then they should be extra vigilant. cos they are WILD...
  11. G

    new picture battle

    [No message]
  12. G

    contractors jailed for letting blind man build bridge.

    So we have gone from a blind man building a bridge, to another blind man who can tune pianos who ultimatly built a bridge for a duck to have out of species sex with a goose who catches AIDS and decides to remain single after having his way with geese? Is it me, or has this thread gone into the...
  13. G

    BNP membership leaked.

    Indeed, and many of my friends and family too-including my wife. Not too sure about our son, as he's mixed race and born in the UK. None of the above, have a blatently racist agenda. It's called spin. Doesn't any of you remember what these guys got up to before they put on suits? The...
  14. G

    New additions the the YODA household

    and here... Rabbit Names I like this one, "Fuzz Bucket, the Bunny of Doom" (though the site says its for a male rabbit )