Recent content by Google

  1. G

    Goin Outback Tonight

    get bloomin onion for appetize, then get kookabura chicken wings. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  2. G

    Question about Telus prepad?

    Say if I called 911, and was unable to tell them my address due to some reason I was either incapacitated or in a tight situation, would Telus mobility provide 911 with my home address and send help? I'm with Telus prepaid and my address is registered in their systems.
  3. G

    Food & Drink?

    Food & Drink? food- chimichanga drink- mucho mango snack/desert- all lovin and no oven ice cream from cold stone
  4. G

    LAPD - nothing has changed but the date - certainly not the brutality

    well, sortof... it seems even funnier that someone would come here in flagrant violation of the law and then complain that law enforcement is too tough on them, or that the government doesn't treat them with respect. They don't have the right to be here, and they should all be deported. I...
  5. G

    How can traveling more than the speed of light lead us to future?

    yes but in space not on earth..... Albert Einstein theory of relativity
  6. G

    What kind of booze does your dojo throw down after training?

    The dojo I occasionally train at, at Kew, offers a nice gup of tea after training. It tastes great!
  7. G

    Human Hiberantion

    Very interesting article... amazing he didnt just freeze to death
  8. G

    Dinner in the Sky

    That would be cool as hell, but i'd never go on it.
  9. G

    Large Hardon Collider

    so, goodbye world?
  10. G

    the cat thread

    I want one!! I should imagine they don't make real good pets tho... lol
  11. G

    Intelligent Design FAQ

    Xen, give an example of looking at it forward.
  12. G

    Fun zombie-killing flash game

    Yeah, so my guy disappeared and then the zombiles killed mey giys. damn sequel
  13. G

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I'm pretty sure stalking is illegal...
  14. G

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Only 5400rpm, but
  15. G

    I currently have Motorola 5101i Modem. Is it worth upgrading to CG3000?

    I have heard that CG3000 has some problems but because i have had the 5101i for a long time wouldnt the speeds slow down? help would be appreciated