Recent content by goleafst

  1. G

    Whipped Cream?

    yes i understand what a whippet is dude. they are not something a kid should have his or her hands on.
  2. G

    "decency" of dress

    "decency" of dress public nudity is forbidden for the protection of children ... same as technically it is illegal for manequins to be nude in shop windows if they have sex identifiers. Obviously city centre at 01:00 on a saturday isnt a favourite location for children, but laws arent time set.
  3. G

    Every time I play the lottery, I win...***PIC****

    it has to add up to 7, 11, or 21 and they do :rolleyes:
  4. G

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    i'll act as an obstacle and make you trip. or you could smoke me for the same effect.
  5. G

    Mobile phones

    well it depends.....if you put it on the phone, once you remove the sim you wont be able to access them, if its on the sim its easier to export i.e to a different phone. What do you intend to keep the phone or the sim? store the numbers on whatever you intend to keep..
  6. G

    Cliques that you hate V2.

    Wendys food does suck, Dont eat there. 11th grade. and lastly, you guys seem to be the ones who are the low lifes. You sit on a internet forum flaming who ever comes a cross... Not cry, but instead laugh at you pizza face faggots. lol
  7. G


    It was actually me.
  8. G

    The American Infallibility Complex

    Wikipedia has some decent information on the situation in Israel.
  9. G

    Return of the ultimate badass

    If he does not get the MOH I say we riot.However I'am also the guy who said we should riot when McDonalds took nuggets off the dollar menu
  10. G

    Wierd shit

    REQUIRE her to make u dessert. then email me a picture :]
  11. G

    Kid Kills Dad For Taking Away Intranetz

    k, so go tell myspace....
  12. G


    Would it be hard to believe if i said i owned a Colt Ar-15? seriously guys, guns are not hard to come by
  13. G

    Yoga and pilates

    I did Iyengar yoga for three years and rate it highly. They're very hot on getting the postures as perfect as possible. E.g. they will quite happily spend a good hour and a half session going into minute detail on one particular asana. I've also attended classes where they'll run through a...
  14. G

    Cybernation V5.0

    Cattle and Uranium. I basically attempted to start the same circle you have except replacing gems with uranium.
  15. G

    what would you do if your child was being beaten up on your front lawn?

    Imagine being a Turnball. 'They saw us, they ran!'