Recent content by GOD'sGiftTedAndru

  1. G

    I'm trying to do everybody a favor by collecting a Religion&Spirituality

    census, why ain't you answering? if you have answered good for you, you can go plz state ur... exact religion- age- race- nationality- gender- how long you have been here or if you are a guest who attends sometimes. this way we can clarify whose who. CENSUS WILL STOP BEING COLLECTED JAN 1
  2. G

    christians,how can you tell that bible contains absolute truth?

    it was written by 40 men from 6 dif continents over a period of 1400-1600 years and yet no contradiction! many more then just that
  3. G

    Christians: isn't Satan soo stupid?

    satan was stupid to challenge GOD but other then that he is very cunning. he's called the father of lies for a reason. he came up with the greatest conspiracy ever! google aliens are demons.
  4. G

    I'm interested in these religions...?

    go to a synagouge, Church, mosque and ask. i wouldn't look things up on the net cuz people post so many lies
  5. G

    What was the worlds first religion ?

    technically Hinduism but Adam and Eve and their decendents worshipped GOD 1st. but they had no religion cuz the term Judaism and Jew weren't created yet. so pre-Jews i geuss
  6. G

    How can Christians stop godless scientists making discoveries that contradict

    ugh troll. i'll tell you what to do. stop trolling. it's called the illuminati. they make up lies and distract the masses so they can force feed them the lies. and eventually they happily accept the lies
  7. G

    Why do so many people ignore the question (as posted in R&S) and instead rant

    once again. must i rebuke you? science the goverment teaches is a pack of lies. the Holy Spirit teaches us what is right. and if science says this then science if lying and i rebuke science in the name of Christ! Isiah 40:22 tell me the Bible is flawed now
  8. G

    Wait... Keep Christ in Christmas? I'm pretty sure it should be keep Pagan in...

    how many times must i say it. pagans had there own holiday. Christians celebrated Christmas long before. it was celebrated on jan 6 then constatine moved it to Dec 25th which is next to a pagan holiday. it was never pagan. you atheists need to spend more time reading
  9. G

    is there a name of religion for this?

    hinduism. they believe in many "good" "gods" and 'bad" "gods" and after you die you can be reborn go to heaven or hell.
  10. G

    Atheists/Christians........................................ .............A...

    a Christian so we can partner up and spread GOD's word in that horrible time
  11. G

    Help! Setting a music quiz...?

    Hero by Abandon
  12. G

    If you become Christian , does that mean you have to stop being a fan of...

    idols means you worship that or look up to that more then GOD. you can be a fan but don't worship them and love them more then GOD. it took me a while to stop worshipping the pro wrestlers