Recent content by godiggity

  1. G

    need advice on how to get a job!

    Go back in time and stop yourself from quitting?
  2. G

    Record players/Turntables.

    when the only people who still bought vinyl were dj's
  3. G

    The Confession Thread

    I used to do that in my shorts, but stopped for two reasons. 1) I needed that box. 2) High kicks.
  4. G

    Who would win in a fight between.....

    The BBC page seems to do stuff like this at random intervals - check out the date on the article. I reckon there's some kind of online flashmob type thing where loads of people agree to e-mail an article on the same day.
  5. G

    Craft beers, your favorite (Americans only)

    I am not trying to ignore them. I just don't want to get this conversation too out of control. Here is something that was printed a few weeks ago. I think the above is pretty true. More people around the world will be more willing to pay a bit more for good beer instead of the usual stuff...
  6. G

    So you want a Tattoo .....

    Here is an example of my work: All of my peices are generally unique, creative and intricate. I put a lot of effort into a completed peice, which is why I'm getting all flustered about ya'lls comments about tribal art. Some of them have meaning. I just love this one because it's badass...
  7. G

    Guess who I met?

    oh thank god it's not me.
  8. G

    Ghost Stories

    Beating up goth kids? Hey, can I join?
  9. G

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Okay I'm just completely sick of the Olympics now. I was up at 5:30am. Switched on the TV to catch the weather. And the BBC had the Olympics on. ... On all of their channels. Why? Even worse when I get home BBC1 has the Olympics on so I switch to BBC News and it's the exact same thing!?! Is...
  10. G

    Yes, its a caption thread. caption one of these pics. it fails, i know.

    you cannot have teh surprise buttsecks with your pants on.
  11. G

    Women in the Infantry

    The IDF has women serving in teeth arm units for the past 12 years I don't see any problem with female Infanteers personally, though considering the high level of rape within the ranks of the US Army, I would think twice about encouraging my daughter to join up Didn't the US military go...
  12. G

    US embassies attacked

    Something I thought might be worth bringing up in military differences, in the UK we don't swear to a constitution or a flag or the people. Here you can see an interesting contrast. I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States...
  13. G

    Comic book superhero questions

    Erm don't you mean Colin Farrell???
  14. G

    My 1,000th Post

    That's Mister Moo to yoo!
  15. G

    First tattooooo!!!

    It turned out really well Metal Kitty. Congrats. Now you'll be able to spend the rest of the summer showing off your new sexy tattoo for the world to see.