Recent content by GmyAsianBoy

  1. G

    Would you get in to a time machine and go 500 years into the future and tell the

    hmm wasn't it the church that insisted the Earth was flat... and persecuted Galileo?
  2. G

    POLL: Do you like riddles?

    I like asking them. Answer: red back spiders.
  3. G

    POLL: Can you tell me my future?

  4. G

    poll: am i a failure of a human...?

    i don't know how to open the car's bonnet...
  5. G

    Survey:would you be able to survive out in the wild if need be?

    the #1 rule in surviving... is finding water right? build a shelter... look for food and stay calm.
  6. G

    poll: adoption or biological?

    Someone just asked me how will I get grandchildren if I'm gay and... I play video games all day. Well... the answer, darling, IS ADOPTION. When I marry Prince Harry and he asks me to marry him, I'll tell him, "No Darling, I'm not going to produce you any male heir. We are adopting from Africa...
  7. G

    OMG! People who say that celebrity gossip sites are useless are wrong!?

    I can prove it useful!! I stumbled an article about the banning of Dakota Fanning's perfume ad a few days ago... and now I can use that as an example for my assignment about the objectification of women... and how we can eliminate that discourse. HAHAHAHA.who said celebrity gossips are useless?
  8. G

    poll are you strong enough to leave the camera recording while you're outdoors?

    i don't do that because i want to save the environment!!! not because i'm scared of ghosts or anything...... HONEST
  9. G

    Survey: Would you rather your parents went through your internet history or...

    my cellphone has my homemade porn in it >.< so i choose internet his
  10. G

    Survey : Why did this man call me handsome?

    IT MEANS YOU'RE HANDSOME. tall broad shoulders etc
  11. G

    Why Are Gay People So Gay?

    you're stupid... why can't people allow to be themselves instead of having to live gender roles... which are social constructs?
  12. G

    Poll: What would you consider a dark personality?

    <--- dark At the surface I seem nice and sh!t, but deep down, I hold many secrets... and deep thoughts that normal people can't apprehend or comprehend.
  13. G

    How many of you R&S regulars use this section to post almost all your

    I used to... but I found a better section to torture... P&S.
  14. G

    is it irrational or illogical to laugh at one's own answer?

    So I was looking back at my answers, and I couldn't stop laughing at this one:;_ylt=Al6AshmJMchxZ3A7ovj8WbXty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110324231813AA4rqMi I kept thinking to myself, "WOW I am a total genius..."