Recent content by GinnyJin

  1. G

    Who's my celebrity look-alike?

    Claudia Schiffer Britney Spears?
  2. G

    How many keys do you routinely carry?

    2 house and car
  3. G

    If you had your own market stall what would you sell?

    I'd sell Korean cosmetics. That's if I could. lolol x
  4. G

    Would you tell any future employers you have a mental disorder?

    No. I did that and they held it against me even though I did nothing wrong.
  5. G

    what is the difference between the word"entertainment" and "recreation"?

    entertainment is formal - theatre, cinema recreation - less formal - park, swimming.
  6. G

    Pregnant woman refused service in a pub?

    The manager was right. For all he knew she could have been an undercover inspector waiting to catch him out.
  7. G

    Why do atheists feel so threatened by religion?

    I haven't forced my opinions on anyone. Don't generalise.
  8. G

    Wheelchair Access Holidays?

    Check out Vitalise. There are several special centres throughout the UK for disabled people and their carers for short breaks.
  9. G

    Jade Goody: Why hate her when she did nothing?

    I can't believe how quickly it happened. She was full of life a few weeks ago.
  10. G

    write a comment on jade goodys life and bravery?

    I agree. She still managed to smile at the end even though though she was in pain.
  11. G

    Vote: Who is your style icon? and why?

    Marilyn Monroe. No details needed.
  12. G

    Which celebrity had the most tragic death ?

    John Lennon Brandon Lee
  13. G

    meeting new people in there 20s or 30s in colchester?

    Why don't you check out the Mature students society at the University (I used to be a member - the people at the university are a friendly bunch). You're bound to meet people there. Or the bars in Wivenhoe are a good bet.