Recent content by Ginger

  1. G

    What do you think about this dream?

    I had this dream. A baby was crying and it was so disturbing I would wake up. I opened my eyes and in front of me was a lady, dressed in like early 19th century clothes and her hair were also styled that way. Very young and beautiful and she was holding the baby. I got really scared and sit down...
  2. G

    what are the nutrition benefits of tangerines and navel oranges?

    I'm mainly wondering how different they are and what their similarities are. I recently saw a YouTube video for Dr. Oz's Fat Flush which is water with mint leaves, sliced lemon or grapefruit, sliced tangerines, and sliced cucumber. I used the lemon instead of grapefruit since I can't have...
  3. G

    Can I talk to someone on ps3 from an iPhone 4?

    Can I talk or leave a message to someone who has play station 3 from my iphone4? He leaves out of state and his always on his game and I would like to talk to him. I was hoping there was a way I could leave him a message on his ps3?
  4. G

    Are the Palestinians tolerant of other faith systems or religious bigot like Saudi

    Arabia? I'm a Pagan and wish to travel Gaza. Will I be safe there?
  5. G

    my samsung galaxy phone memory is full?

    maybe you need a software update?
  6. G

    Sci Fi Korean Drama's?

    Im looking for a good korean drama that has a super natural element to it. For example amazing drama's ive seen so far would be ones such as 49 days (given a 2nd chance to live), operation proposal (time travel), Big (body change) and that other drama that everyone loves with the body switch...
  7. G

    My lg dryer keeps saying empty water when it is raptly?

    It's only going for a minute nd then it is stopping saying empty water
  8. G

    Have you read The Name of the Wind?

    What is the name of the song Kvothe and his friends made up to taunt his enemy? His enemy at the university is Ambrose Jakis, correct?
  9. G

    Can we all remember that being dull, uninspired, tedious and deluded is not the

    sole preserve of the religious? People who really have PHDs don't boast about it. That a vast proportion of people here claim a doctorate in a scientific discipline, but lack creative thought, is a damning indictment of higher education. Believing you're a 'scientist' while sitting at home...
  10. G

    When was the last time you felt genuinely violated, spiritually?

    If I was responsible, please accept my heartfelt apologies.
  11. G

    my son wants to be a TV cameraman, who does he apply to?

    he is at college doing media studies and wants to work behind the camera. what companies could he contact for some work experience? we are in the North West (England)
  12. G

    I'm a Christian and I have a picture of Saint Jude on my wall, is this ok?...

    Balding British actor with half a dozen kids and an inauspicious biography. Sorry, that's Jude Law. You mean the Beatles dude, right?
  13. G

    not happy with verizon blackberry....want iphone or droid.?

    My sister and I just switched to veizon in dec. 2010 and got the family package and both got blackberrys. We are not happy with the blackberrys at all. Is there anyway to upgrade and get the i-phone or droid without paying all that money.
  14. G

    what is the most affective nicotine patch?

    I quit on Chantix. It was a breeze! The side effects can be killer but I only needed to take it for 1 1/2 months and as long as you take it on a full stomach with a full glass of water (no joke, a FULL glass) you won't get ill. It is so easy and you dont' have cravings like being on teh patch...