Recent content by Ghosty12121

  1. G

    how do i get to the Samsung Glyde's internal memory?

    Why do you need to take your Glyde apart? If you want to find out about the Glyde's internal memory I suggest you post on their popular fan forum:
  2. G

    how do i get to the Samsung Glyde's internal memory?

    Why do you need to take your Glyde apart? If you want to find out about the Glyde's internal memory I suggest you post on their popular fan forum:
  3. G

    how do i get to the Samsung Glyde's internal memory?

    Why do you need to take your Glyde apart? If you want to find out about the Glyde's internal memory I suggest you post on their popular fan forum:
  4. G

    Where can I purchase an internet connection?

    rofl They stopped selling internet to English-speaking countries. Didn't you hear? Also, if you access it, you will need to fight against some firewalls.
  5. G

    any good internet browsers?

    Google Chrome Firefox 3 Safari (yes I know, actually KIND of good if you're on a Mac) Opera
  6. G

    Why is my Verizon phone not receiving texts from gmail?

    you need to send it from as I recall..... vtext is 2 years old, the service retired in the 3rd quarter of last year,
  7. G

    What's up with my pops? Why is he acting up?

    It's like asking 'How is babby formed?' your father doesn't want anything mysterious to happen.... I say mysterious I mean SEX
  8. G

    Question about Twitter Texts on Cellphone?

    Okay, so I got a new cellphone plan today with unlimited texting. When I spoke with the person at the Verizon store, she said that if I subscribe to something that I have to pay extra, while twitter claims to be free if you have unlimited texting. I don't want to pay extra for twitter texts, but...