Recent content by getwiththefuture

  1. G

    What kind of thinker are you?

    *    Interpersonal thinkers: *    Like to think about other people, and try to understand them *    Recognise differences between individuals and appreciate that different people have different perspectives *    Make an effort to cultivate effective relationships with family, friends and...
  2. G

    What Are

    tell them they suck at teaching
  3. G

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    i'm still too sexy for my ninja hat though.
  4. G

    This news will scare you!

    That American "news" article came from a joke tabloid called the Weekly World News." If you believe in batboy and the 900 pound swimsuit model, this should be right up your alley.
  5. G


    When you think about what the civilians in Dresden must have suffered, then you can understand why some people would say this. But then you remember what was happening in places like Auschwitz and you have to conclude that if bombing Dresden saved one single life then it was worth it. I wonder...
  6. G

    The Twilight Thread... a serious discussion

    Why didn't they cast better looking people??
  7. G

    Immigration UK

    Who know with governments..they can twist anything to fit!! We are overdue for the next massive ice age and there have been many 'mini' very cold snaps. So, yes, a mini 'ice age' during the 18C and the early 19C....Victorians holding Ice galas on the frozen Thames. Hot chestnuts anyone?
  8. G

    Whats your pet peeve?

    Holy shit..........................You're my hero.
  9. G

    higher education

    I personally feel that a lot of students are pushed into Higher education in the UK. There is this promised land of "getting your dream job" at the end of a degree, but to be frank90% of jobs will go to people who have actually worked. I never went to Uni, but the vast majority of my friends who...
  10. G

    Guys: Would you date girl that...

    I think its what's under the clothes is what they're interested in....
  11. G

    Meanest fucking prank ever.

    its still not as bad as those chicks glueing hot dogs to that one disabled girl
  12. G

    Where can I get the metro station t shirt with them and the hollywood sign

    in black and white? and the color logo at the bottom i really want a unique metro station shirt but i cant find one! besides the usual!
  13. G

    how can i get maps on my blackberry pearl?

    I dont understand what is going on, i dont even have the blackberry maps application on my pearl yet, i tried to download it and it said there is no usb driver installed, and whats this about a gps reciever, i do not understand at all!?
  14. G

    Does the Xbox 360 have a wireless internet connection?

    How does the Xbox live work? Monthly fee, things like that...?
  15. G

    which cellphone which YOU rather have? 10 points?

    3rd one looks really cool