Recent content by GerarddeRidefor†

  1. G

    what is the most idiotic thing you have heard within religion?

    Don`t bother saying about Xenu scientology is just retarded anyway
  2. G

    Why did Jesus not condemn gays?

    Did God change his mind and think that as he made people that way he should stop persecuting people for his mistake This is an attack on people who hide behind religion to express hatred to others, not adults expressing love to the same sex
  3. G

    Are people inclined to believe the mainstream media because they think...

    Conspiracy is people planning wrong as simple as that now you tell me any and I mean any time in human history where people have not planned to do wrong. The only people who don`t believe in conspiracy are coincidence theorists who think things happen by magic a very child like way of thinking...
  4. G

    Are people inclined to believe the mainstream media because they think...

    Conspiracy is people planning wrong as simple as that now you tell me any and I mean any time in human history where people have not planned to do wrong. The only people who don`t believe in conspiracy are coincidence theorists who think things happen by magic a very child like way of thinking...
  5. G

    what are your views on E. Howard Hunt admitting JFK assassination on his death bed?

    Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy. Plain and simple but true. Your one of those coincidence nuts that compartmentalise everything and fail to see the big picture. Yes the lone gunman who when he was killed rose from the dead and continued shooting people connected with the case I don`t believe in...
  6. G

    Have you changed religion?

    If so what was the reason you changed, also if you have a different religion to your parents how do they accept this
  7. G

    Is religion delusional?

    Watch link and tell me what you think of the points it makes. I am not attacking religion here just want to see how people manage to answer awkward questions about there faith
  8. G

    Why do people buy into conspiracy theories?

    Because unlike your uneducated self many people understand the English language. The official 9 11 account is a conspiracy theory go and get a dictionary and look up what conspiracy actually means. I could give you a thousand conspiracy's that are now historical fact this notion of yours that...
  9. G

    I want to make a mixed cd. Is there a way to burn songs from the internet...?

    legally you can download songs from play, limewire is a file sharing program and technically they are pirated. Then you make comp and burn with Nero
  10. G

    Would you call this quote prophecy ( see below )?

    I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Every body's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's work, banks are going bust, shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there's...
  11. G

    Would you call this quote prophecy ( see below )?

    I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Every body's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's work, banks are going bust, shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Punks are running wild in the street and there's...
  12. G

    Do people who use the term conspiracy to look down on others understand what it

    means? Many people use the term conspiracy theory so I think I better explain what it means so you will know conspiracy is always going to happen and it is only a theory when it has no facts or evidence. Ok this is what conspiracy actually means An agreement to perform together an illegal...
  13. G

    will Aaron Ramsey become a future star at Arsenal?

    Walcott has started to come through the ranks and everyone is now aware he will be a star do you see the same future for Aaron Ramsey
  14. G

    why do people laugh at conspiracy theories?

    I find it almost insane considering all the conspiracies that are now fact maybe these delusional tube brains should google water gate or Clinton saying I did not have sexual relations with that woman. I think we have a society of cowards who would rather other people think for them as they...