Recent content by GeOrGiAPeAcHGaNgStA

  1. G

    Crappy threads...

    What did you plan to accomplish by making another crappy one?
  2. G

    Serious Question Needing an Even Seriouser Answer

    Does the taco has cheese on it?
  3. G

    Arg! Enough With The Kids! Enough!!

    1) Depends on what kind of pornography it is. While I can agree with many of my guy friends that the human body is a beautiful thing... pornography is very rarely what I would call art. I don't think children need to see bondage or snuff, or those Dr. Laura pics... 2) Depends a bit on the...
  4. G


    But I voted neither! I just meant a hug was worse. Guys at the dojo have asked me if they could hug me...puhlease! Just say no people.
  5. G

    Iranians find cure for AIDS

    LOL This thread is too much
  6. G

    Summer Jobs

    mow lawns, corn detassling, male prostitute, put-put golf course, caddy, dish boy, go to the thread already about this topic in the subforums, just have fun with your summer & not worry about having a job.
  7. G

    Gatorade Question

    yes socky
  8. G


  9. G

    Abortion is Wrong

    I don't claim it wouldn't be. I'm not saying people with strong pedigrees are infallible, only that not every opinion is equally valid. Which is more valid is somewhat harder to define since it'll depend on your personal views which one you give more weight to (depending on the subject, science...
  10. G

    Toshiba Bubble Helmet

    yeah, the helmet might get in the way when you're looking behind you though.
  11. G

    Happy 228th Birthday!

    So it does, I missed that. Clearly none of my excuses are going to work.
  12. G

    A day in the life of a mod

    I lol'ed cause of toco's quote
  13. G

    MAP members flaws

    May the flaws be with you?
  14. G

    Sean Connery

    I read a few of his biographies a while back. He was a body builder who got his acting break down in London in a musical, then got picked up by some American actress who took him back to the States. When they got to the States, her boyfriend objected to the fact that Sean
  15. G

    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    Avatar - 8 - Kewl pic with anamation Sig - 8 - Yeah right!