Recent content by genea

  1. G

    mother put baby in microwave

    Is someone who murders a school girl on her way home from school insane? Believe it or not, some people do horrible things when fully aware of what they're doing. What makes it seemingly insane is that it's beyond our comprihension.
  2. G

    Population of ST?

    4 Me mom dad dog
  3. G

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    'Prince, if you're reading this on interweb land, just so you know, I've got a Raspberry beret' hell, I've got berets in black, white, grey, and purple too
  4. G

    Funny Knockoffs and Counterfeits (pics)

    Yeah my sisters friend has it, at first i was like lemme see your iphone and she blushed. then i saw it and i was like "wow cheapass"
  5. G

    Gaddafi is dead

    Do you mind? I haven't had a drink, pill, cigarette or spliff in four days now, and the pressure is beginning to tell. Do that again and I may have to pretend to be a communist.
  6. G

    Literal Photo of the Day Thread

    I'm not a kebab expert but Iron Sheek?
  7. G

    Oldest join date

    Lol. You're gay.
  8. G

    Mosque planned near Ground Zero: A change of opinion.

    "Be built in a place of civility" The place where people are furious about a mosque that isnt a mosque, told people who were on the same side to go home because they were vaguely arab looking, cheered a marine who actually fought the bad people then boo'd him off after he asked them to be...
  9. G

    most users record

    Yep I agree .... that is what I personally like about this forum. no gimmicks .... last forum I was moderating they tried something like that together with posting contests to get their numbers up -- it's false sense of achievement.... we have no need for that here
  10. G

    I knew this was only a matter of time...

    You're just being a little bit silly with the TB bit now aren't you?
  11. G

    Minions - how do I get them?

    and they also think that people worship him, when those people don't even believe in him :P
  12. G

    Your art?

    Here's a little something I spent some of this afternoon playing around with Blame a Skinny Puppy CD and watching Dawn of the Dead this morning! I might do a couple more bits to it here and there, but due to boredom, there'll be a little "how I did it" thread up in a bit
  13. G

    Poetry Thread.

    oh my word that poem is absurd i mean it is evil u are a deevil haha