Recent content by frnchfries2000

  1. F

    How to get rid of horrible metalic taste from new kettle

    fill it up and boil the water a few times
  2. F

    What We Have Known...

    wow, bitch is dumber than i thought
  3. F

    lulz i got arrested

    You should have took the ripped bill and brought it to the bank. Could have gotten a new one. oh yea but take lots of pics of your mouth.
  4. F


    Mah margins. You have fucked them.
  5. F

    friends ex

    I"d just have to go, 'you're welcome to her', sorry to hear that....
  6. F

    Happy ANZAC day

    I shall secks a dog.
  7. F

    Under development ... a short quiz/IQ test

    The answer is not one whole line of colour, it's more representing the sequence
  8. F

    bogarts brings the lulz

    Lol, when I was in Hollywood, a hobo had a sign that said, "I bet you a dollar you'll read this." Lol, he got in a fight with a random tourist cause he said that he saw him reading it.
  9. F

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Nice one KE! Yay me! Physio has discharged me and said I can get back to judo and BJJ, if I take it easy, don't introduce too much too soon and don't do anything that hurts. He also said the same about lifting and that I should work on lifts that strengthen my back muscles. He did say that...
  10. F


    cool story hansel
  11. F

    I have a question..

    Hey insult me all you want man, I've never had a gun pulled on me here in flowerchild land... So to quote Sheen, I'm winning as far as I see it.
  12. F

    so my roommate....

    aka the hobbit and to grenade gloves incase you didnt know,you have to be awake and conscious to slip on a buttered floor
  13. F

    Your Favorite Quotes?

    fixed.. /tourettesguy