Recent content by freshie123

  1. F

    ST you have helped me in real life

    Learn to spell noob.
  2. F


    im guessing thats not a good thing
  3. F

    Free Slurpee day at 711

    At least it hasn't been like this for years...
  4. F

    whale gore:

    Dead whales are so cute.
  5. F

    Embarrasing accidents as a kid

    I got into an interesting discussion today with a colleague, regarding embarrasing accidents that we had when children. Nothing is more mortifying, you think, than wetting yourself publically at age 7 - until it happens at age 10!! :eek: Our discussion turned into an exchange of stories, and I...
  6. F

    Lindsay Lohan confirms lesbian lover Samantha Ronson

    Aww, two cokeheads found eachother. How cute.
  7. F

    Ninja shuts down school

  8. F

    Best Fast Food

    mcdonalds - Big Mac replace beef patties with mcchicken patties + cheese = enjoy
  9. F

    for those of you wondering

    Also, amoxycillin hurts like there's no tomorrow.
  10. F

    What happened on the Gossip Girl episode "desperately seeking serena"?

    not where to see the episode, but just a quick summary
  11. F

    Can someone tell me what happened on April 21st episode of Gossip Girl..?

    I think it was titled "The Blair Bit*ch Project' Thanks!