Recent content by FredM

  1. F

    Can anyone make me laugh?

    "George Bush was a good President"...well...did it work?
  2. F

    Is the United States mingling in Iran's internal affairs?

    No, but that sh*t you're smoking is mingling with whats left of your brain
  3. F

    Should i inspect the dishes for dirt after my Wife washes them ?

    yes. And if she doesn't do a good job it's time for a new wife.
  4. F

    Should i inspect the dishes for dirt after my Wife washes them ?

    yes. And if she doesn't do a good job it's time for a new wife.
  5. F

    Should i inspect the dishes for dirt after my Wife washes them ?

    yes. And if she doesn't do a good job it's time for a new wife.
  6. F

    Why is Neanderthal so important to religion?

    Adam and Eve were Neanderthal
  7. F

    If the stimulus package works, will you Republicans get behind this President or...

    No, they will just move on to another thing to try to blame him for, like the potholes on Pennsylvania Ave or the injurys to that lady who was attacked by a chimp..
  8. F

    Any audiophiles out there!!! Which headphones should i get? redirect your question here. You may get some laughs at the bose. seriously these guys know their stuff. They should save you a ton of money for the same sound.
  9. F

    When are the tax hikes being implemented for those who make over $1,000,000?

    Dude I do not feel for you, first you should have paid all your student loans before buying a 2 million dollar home and all those cars and then start complaining to unemployed people like myself (due to lay-offs) and secondly it is not just rich people getting a tax hike it will be across the...
  10. F

    Any audiophiles out there!!! Which headphones should i get? redirect your question here. You may get some laughs at the bose. seriously these guys know their stuff. They should save you a ton of money for the same sound.
  11. F

    why is Obama being sworn in on the same bible Lincoln used?

    I have heard he is going to use the Koran, if he cannot salute the American flag then why would he use a Holy Bible?
  12. F

    If you had an hour to meet with a government representative, what one issue would...

    None of them they all will either avoid, lie, or change the subject of the question or do all three.
  13. F

    If you had an hour to meet with a government representative, what one issue would...

    None of them they all will either avoid, lie, or change the subject of the question or do all three.
  14. F

    If you had an hour to meet with a government representative, what one issue would...

    None of them they all will either avoid, lie, or change the subject of the question or do all three.
  15. F

    Is my mom "forcing her religion on me"?

    Ur mom sounds like a real nut case RUN RUN AWAY !!!