Recent content by FrankieF

  1. F

    I can't access my account with ATT? It's [email protected].?

    My yahoo account is [email protected]. I can't access it.
  2. F

    What wide outs should I start?

    You can have 3 starting Edwards vs WAS Colston vs. CAR(he should be ready to go Calvin Johnson vs HOU TJ Housh vs. Stellers Dwyane Bowe vs TEN Breaston on a bye
  3. F

    Should I sell Coles to pick up another WR or Stick with Him?

    stick with him name only a couple games he has done bad in dont drop him he is to good and there is porbaly no one better in the free agenecy better then him
  4. F

    Should I sell Coles to pick up another WR or Stick with Him?

    stick with him name only a couple games he has done bad in dont drop him he is to good and there is porbaly no one better in the free agenecy better then him
  5. F

    does anyone have high celebrity phone numbers that work?

    I am looking for a celebrities phone number that is reaaly mentioned today. no negative comments