Recent content by Fitz

  1. F

    Is Hitler or / and Stalin have Jewish Ancestors ? or Were they Crypto Jews or

    I believe Hitler had a Jewish aunt or cousin or somerthing. It's still highly debated. What difference does it make with Stalin? Contrary to popular belief, Stalin's purges were not religiously motivated. Atheism is not communism's goal or purpose. Stalin saw the church as an obstacle and set...
  2. F

    Out of all the religions why did Judaism and Christian survive to modern times?

    Because the Christians slaughtered the ones they could get at in their early years. Islamic nations were tough enough to persist, Hinduism and Buddhism was out of their reach. Notice there was never a crusade to India or China?
  3. F

    Sci fi help for UFO encounter?

    You don't actually have to show the UFO at all. Show your characters looking in the sky, shine extremely bright flood lights on their faces, have the car lose power. Often the best part of a film is not what you see, but what you don't see that your imagination can do for itself. -edit- For...
  4. F

    Good Sci fi/ fantasy novel?

    Try "The Hunger Games".
  5. F

    Why do you seem to enjoy arguing religion?

    I'm not offended ... just engaged. Although I'm a non-believer, I find the subject of religion to be fascinating and it engages me. I find that a middle ground of beliefs engage me more than any other. Really bizarre (like scientology) I dismiss, really rational (like Confucianism) I dismiss...
  6. F

    Christians that don't believe in the Trinity or Hell?

    Hell is a mistranslation of Gehenna and Sheol. Neither of these things as described in the Bible even come close to representing hell as we know it. The only eternal punishment is death. And Revelation's supposed "lake of fire" is better translated as: Tested by being purified in God's divinity...
  7. F

    What benefits can we get out of space travel?

    IT'S PROFITABLE: Only .7% of our taxes go to NASA Since their creation in 1958 NASA has spent a total of 458 billion dollars, that's a little more than a half of what we spend on welfare every year. For every $1 NASA is given, it put $8 back into the economy. So at an average of $8 billion in...
  8. F

    2012-premonition or fact?

    It's not even a premonition ... it's just fiction. In order to school people to the truth, I have pre typed this. Here's all the stuff they claim will happen and the truth behind it: 1.Sun crossing the Galactic "Equator" - The Truth: It's ALWAYS at the galactic equator. 2.Sun crossing the...
  9. F

    What is the Time period associated with the beginning of each religion

    Doctrines, beliefs, and practices you're on your own, takes up too much space for Y!A Hinduism 5500–2600BC - Too diverse to summarize. India. Shruti & Smritis. Judaism 1280 BC - Belief in one God as related to them by Moses. Middle East. The Torah. Christianity 29 AD - Belief in one God and...
  10. F

    Why does everything in 'Religion & Spirituality' signed "Love and blessings Don"...

    Why does everything in 'Religion & Spirituality' signed "Love and blessings Don"... ...get the same number of votes? I suspect a number of sock-puppet accounts. If a Christian (or Muslim or Jew) did have duplicate accounts & voted for his own answers that would be a deliberate deceit, so making...
  11. F

    What is the coolest site on the internet?

    Other than Yahoo Answers.
  12. F

    Should I allow my 11 almost 12 year old daughter ride on her boyfriends Harley...

    sure..maybe then you can rent them out a hotel room and let them drinks shots off eachother
  13. F

    What kind on amplifier should i use to power an MTX Audio SLH-T5510X3-A

    enclosed car subwoofer? The subs came pre-loaded in a box. Each sub is a 10" MTX Thunder 5500 and there are 3 of them. The Rms for the individual subs are 150-300 Watts a piece. Now the details for whole enclosure with the subs in it is: * Impedance: 4 Ohms * Subwoofer Size: 10-inches...
  14. F

    Straight people; would you date a bisexual?

    yes, a girl or guy, preferably a girl because men are blood suckers
  15. F

    What would be the best Hacked road sign? 10 points?

    Im sure many of you have heard of people hacking road signs to say things like "Nazi zombies ahead" or "OMG the British are coming". What would be a great road sign (hilarious and original). 10 points for best answer.