Recent content by fishgurl7

  1. F

    Yuwie works.

    Lol by telling us you want us to sign up, WE STILL AREN'T GONG TO SIGN UP STUPID
  2. F

    Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?"

    Okay, i know this thread is gunna be a mess. Please, those of you that followed my threads try and respond to the "your a lier" posts. I dont need to, nor do i want to defend myself. I know what i've done, many of you know as well. I don't post shit that isnt true. I'm sure many of you have seen...
  3. F

    So..... Im a father..

    Ducklings = Fun Ducks = Not fun My neighbor started raising various foul when I was in high school. For my birthday, she gave me a small incubator with 6 eggs in it. Only 5 hatched, but I raised all 5 ducks until they were big enough to go back in our pond. However, most of the time they spent...
  4. F

    Hey , ST

  5. F

    bitch got a dolphin

    Well now can i let go of carls hand? Bcause i assume you were here for stickam.
  6. F

    Your Best Fart Moment

    My best moment is any time where I fart so hard that I shit myself.
  7. F

    What you had for dinner?

    BAM 2 steaks = MM MMMM good
  8. F

    how many gallons are in the bio cube size 29?

    how many gallons is the bio cube size 29?
  9. F

    i need help finding this medicine?

    i was wondering if you have ever herd of it and do you no ware to get it online this is what it is called AH-Chew II Oral or AH-chew
  10. F

    question about mac camera??

    ok you no when you want to take a photo and you go to the settings ware it looks like you swimming with fish or in space or whatever well every time i try to use it it doesn't work its all blochey
  11. F

    weight watchers?

    do you no any low point snacks that are good?
  12. F

    can you become irritable form being board?

    can you?