Recent content by fireball

  1. F

    Why do some people try to show off their expensive gadgets?

  2. F

    other than Muslims who else get vioIent when someone critisize their religion?

    sometimes cults...REMEMBER JIM JONES??
  3. F

    Why did God forsake indian and srilankan tamil people ?

    HE ALLOWS FREE WILL BUT NEVER FEAR ALL THE DEAD will come up to millennium and judgment and he is more than fair!!!
  4. F

    "Christian" - What is "TIRH"?

  5. F

    Christians, if you are so merciful, why don't you help the people in need?

    you are jumping to wrong conclusions... HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU PRAYED FOR GODS KINGDOM?? put away rocks..
  6. F

    is atheism the worst alternative religion in the world? I used to say

    yes.....they have no churches either
  7. F

    Were's Shakira on "The Voice"?

    That is not Shakira on "The Voice"! The accent, vocabulary and face are completely off. Its not just a new hairstyle, its somebody completely different. They keep acting like its her, and its so obvious its not, they could have just been honest and said "She could not make it tonight" or...
  8. F

    Were's Shakira on "The Voice"?

    That is not Shakira on "The Voice"! The accent, vocabulary and face are completely off. Its not just a new hairstyle, its somebody completely different. They keep acting like its her, and its so obvious its not, they could have just been honest and said "She could not make it tonight" or...
  9. F

    What is the future of human microchips and what kind of technology are we...

    N.O....TRIBULATION WILL COME AND RUIN THEIR fancy plans with satanic suffering and hell for those who are still here...get prepared for rapture.. beliefnet
  10. F

    Spiritually Speaking If life came equipped with a Ctrl+Alt+Del feature?

    no more spyware...also no thumbs is pointless i am a vet...the govt already knows all about me
  11. F

    Catholics: Why do you mix pagan easter-egg hunts into the scriptural command to

    GOD HAS PUT US UNDER GRACE....COL 2:16 and you are not the judge thank too boring skipping holidays...GOD IS NOT against chocolate...He is more open minded...LEGALISM DIED AT THE CROSS...WHY DO YOU DENY THE HOLY TRINITY???
  12. F

    Isn't it true that if the Bible is verified by any prophecies etc, then the Qu'ran

    no dont mix the 2...the BIBLE IS TRUE...koran is not
  13. F

    Christians: could you please explain what your being saved by Christ actually MEANS?

    born again which means he has given us his spirit to guide us... you wont understand till it happens for you...SEEK HIM AND ask for guidance..