Recent content by filyaputaoops25

  1. F

    Another British couple on holiday, another child dead, and yet again it...

    I agree with you, it's crazy to leave such a young child even for just a minute...He could and maybe should have taken her indoors before clearing up?....
  2. F

    Current events?

    lol Someone sounding very insecure and Jealous!... Ignore it........
  3. F

    Cheeky Girls to compete in new Reality TV show+also tell us how their bodies

    The sad part is that people will actually watch it......
  4. F

    How many of you reporters actually ask a question here?

    You moan about the petty squabling but do you ever ask questions yourself?.... I do sound upset but in reality i'm the opposite.....
  5. F

    Bunches of?????

    Grapes .....or Bananas???? ....Which would you prefer?...... Hi lovely Ariana.....are you good?..... Grapes are very organic.....If you take a crap in the wild there's a good chance the seeds will freindly or what!!!..... PMSL Lovely shady........
  6. F

    Is it ever acceptable to pinch a colleagues bum?

    That is just disgusting....That Will only lead to having sex in the store room or worse still in the toilet.....Then all the lies to your partner start......It's so wrong.....No!! don't do it.......
  7. F

    men why do ladies just keep on nagging us?

    I'll be back soon, i'm off down the
  8. F

    Are there any of the 25/30K a year benefit claimants on here tonight?

    Funny you mention that, a Friend of mine in the UK has just spoken to me tonight on just that subject....He earns £35 k..and says he would be worth more on benefits, his reason for saying this is that he may be made redundant soon....
  9. F

    Where did Crispy/Ms Minger go? He last wrote on his blog that he died...why...

    What die???.......well when your number is up you die....simple....... You may require more counselling now loved......chin up.
  10. F

    So what's all this about the dog and the motorbike?

    Don't speak about my wife like that!.....
  11. F

    Has the UK a safe place for a tourist to visit?

    I'm a little afraid to visit- what with all the recent violence spiralling out of control......Should i wear a "Stab-vest"? Last couple of weeks snizz! the sun is so strong here.... ukok....Your right...i'm being very UK....I do love the place honest. And sorry to those...
  12. F

    I hate Religion of any description. Why do many of you live your lives around

    ficticous Gods? It causes more trouble than anything i can think of. why? world war 111 please don't feel bad for me...I don't need anything more than i have aready in my life..I owe nothing to no-one..Even a false God. Faith you were doing fine until the last sentence...Please don't push your...