Recent content by Fierceet:

  1. F

    Anyone with experience on Raytel Tellphone 4000 bluetooth?

    i hope someone does, *crosses fingers* . So I dont have the manual, or anything because it came with the car, So I hooked up the bluetooth to my Motorola phone, it works fine, the phonebook shows, but I can only call if i go to the phonebook, the contact, and press the phone button. No voice...
  2. F

    Blackberry Bold AOL's instant messenger?

    is it good? like, as good as the sidekicks? w./ custom away messages, icons, buddylist groups, etc.?
  3. F

    Anyone have the new Cingular Quickfire?

    It came out Sunday if im not mistaking, and I might want to get it this weekend. I'm an orignal Sidekick user..went through all versions sept 1st. Soo, I'm a constant texter/AIMer. But my parents recently switched to Cingular from TMobile and I noticed the new Quickfire looks a lot like a...