Recent content by Fabio175

  1. F

    period it my first!!!!!!!!!!?

    that would be it alot of girls don't start out with a full period but will be spotty and inconsistant for up to 2 years
  2. F

    Should we accept a copy of a holsteiner's papers?

    we Are on the verge of buying a holsteiner mare with a brand for a decently high price we are aware that she was imported from Germany in her younger days we obviously want her papers if she passes the vet check, but should we be worried that they only have a copy of them or is that normal with...
  3. F

    twilight fans are pathetic?

    totally agree even though i never read em my theory is that first book could have really been magic but all of the ones following that+ the movie are just living on through the first books legend