Recent content by everybody'sgotone

  1. E

    Which critically panned album(s) if any do you think will recover it's...

    "Pontius Pilate and the Nail Drivin' Five Sing Jars of Clay's Greatest Hits" Mark my words, it'll be a classic...
  2. E

    Can someone give me a playlist for a 13 year old girl who does not like rap songs?

    Don't know anything about the kind of music kids that age like, so I can't help you. BUT... I salute her for staying away from the soulless Disney stuff. Keep up the good work!
  3. E

    It’s best for the future of our country to be active in world affairs, or...

    Call me crazy, but I don't think our country can afford to neglect either one. Gotta find that balance...
  4. E

    Did you pick up a new hobby this weekend?

    Perfect. Just in time for Valentine's Day. Get thee to the unemployment line, Cupid!
  5. E

    Have you heard of that Iphone application with which you train your dog?

    LMFAO for the first time today. Ba-da-bing, indeed. You are da man...
  6. E

    POLL : How is your life without INTERNET ?

    I would probably do something useful with my life...
  7. E

    Which is your favorite gadget?

    My Bass-O-Matic...
  8. E

    What does KIA stand for?

    Killed in action (war).
  9. E

    Where could I find a McCain/Palin 08 shirt Not on the internet?

    John McCain, a rabbi, a priest, and a minister walk into a bar. The bartender says, "What is this? Some kind of joke?" John McCain's dyslexic. One day, he walks into a bra...
  10. E

    What does Celebrity endorsement/ Testimonial mean?

    Some famous person says that some product is great. That's a celebrity endorsement. What he/she says is his/her testimonial.
  11. E

    Why are liberals still whining about global warming?

    You listen to your informed sources (and I use that term loosely), and we'll listen to ours...