Recent content by eschewobfuscation

  1. E

    My best friend found a receipt in her husbands SUV for....?

    I think that's a great idea and yes, he is most likely cheating on her.
  2. E

    Ever been to a movie and there is a screaming child?

    Someone should have immediately gone to the mgr and demanded the woman remove her screaming nuisance, that is just unreal the woman sat on her fat a$$ and did nothing, and if the mgr refused, I would have demanded my money back and I would have called corporate to complain, anyone who brings a...
  3. E

    why do Americans rather believe in conspiracy theories than the truth ?

    You can believe whatever you want to believe just as other people can believe what they believe. As for your list, Oswald could not have acted alone since JFK was shot from the front and the back almost simultaneously; Bobby was shot inches from his head and at no time did Sirhan Sirhan get...
  4. E

    How to deal with the office gossip?!?

    Despite the proximity, you really need to avoid talking to her at all. There must be other people there you can talk to and in the meantime, just ignore her and if you do have to say something tell her to please check with you first before she goes around twisting your words all out of proportion.
  5. E

    My girl friend is cheating on me she is uses mobile and net to contact

    How do you know she is cheating? If you know beyond doubt just tell her and dump her no need to resort to all this undercover James Bond crap.
  6. E

    Suicidal internet friend?

    She is enjoying your concern and attention I wouldn't be too worried, she is not your responsibility and most all of us have had hard lives at one time or another, she needs to suck it up and go on and not cry for help from online friends. She is responsible for herself and she is an adult...
  7. E

    Married woman of 3 years and a internet flirt/lust affair. ?

    You are far too immature to know what you want let alone any sort of relationship as you have already admitted and proven. What you need to do now is get a divorce because your marriage is a fraud and unfair to your husband since sooner or later you will cheat and excuse it by saying you...