Recent content by ERR0R

  1. E

    DS game recommendation?

    I need something that isn't pokemon that will take up a large amount of time.
  2. E

    Evolution a religion?

    Evolution doesn't include the purpose of the universe...
  3. E

    Who wants to listen to my depressing rant! What should I do?

    Ever since I was little I had trouble keeping friends. Not primarily because I was totally unsociable but, for other various reasons. They would often have to move (unnaturally often it seemed) or just randomly flake away like leaves on a tree for one reason or another. One example could be that...
  4. E

    How long do e-books last?

    before they self delete themselves off your kindle?
  5. E

    What kind of shops are there in New Zealand?

    I mean like the main chain stores is there walmart?
  6. E

    How can people reject the love, compassion and truth of Jesus Christ?

    Because it doesn't make sense...
  7. E

    did bell gates invent yahoo?

    No he didn't Bill Gates founded Microsoft. Yahoo was founded by Jerry Yang and David Filo. P.S. I feel sorry for this question poster.
  8. E

    I deleted my internet browsers off my mac. How do I get them back?

    Then how are you on the internet? Anyway one thing that could work is to go to a different computer and download the downloader of safari or whatever you use on some sort of media like a disc or a thumb drive. Then you can transfer it over to your mac and download it there.
  9. E

    Is religion is brainwash?

    And you just figured this out now?
  10. E

    Would this work as a religion?

    Lets say I created the universe yesterday and all you knew before yesterday was implanted into your brain by me. I just can't prove I created the universe or tell you how I did it because then it wouldn't be fun anymore and I am mortal. I wonder if I can start a cult with this.