Recent content by elkgond1

  1. E

    Should Roger Goodell move the Cleveland Browns over to the NFC West Division?

    I love the banter with you guys, but that fellow above me gotta go....
  2. E

    Should Roger Goodell move the Cleveland Browns over to the NFC West Division?

    I love the banter with you guys, but that fellow above me gotta go....
  3. E

    Should we humor people like Steel Terror who has to live his life through a...

    He is a fanatic, no doubt, and I admire his loyalty
  4. E

    Will Big Ben be taking his knee pads to his meeting with Roger Goodell on friday?

    I heard Goodell is planning on laying some pipe in his office. I read this in The Intelligencer Newspaper
  5. E

    Have there been any other recalls on the 07 Maserati Quattroporte besides the...

    ...control arm on front suspension? Someone told me that the there was a recall for the transmission, I have looked all over the internet and have found nothing
  6. E

    Was Big Ben really required to wear knee pads to his meeting with Roger Goodell?

    I read this on a pack of Big Ben Jerky
  7. E

    Is it rue Roger Goodell wore a skirt for his meeting with Big Ben in...

    ...hopes of provoking some wrongdoing? Isn't that entrapment? I heard this on Nancy Grace *true....not rue
  8. E

    Is it rue Roger Goodell wore a skirt for his meeting with Big Ben in...

    ...hopes of provoking some wrongdoing? Isn't that entrapment? I heard this on Nancy Grace *true....not rue
  9. E

    Is it rue Roger Goodell wore a skirt for his meeting with Big Ben in...

    ...hopes of provoking some wrongdoing? Isn't that entrapment? I heard this on Nancy Grace *true....not rue
  10. E

    Is it rue Roger Goodell wore a skirt for his meeting with Big Ben in...

    ...hopes of provoking some wrongdoing? Isn't that entrapment? I heard this on Nancy Grace *true....not rue
  11. E

    Is it rue Roger Goodell wore a skirt for his meeting with Big Ben in...

    ...hopes of provoking some wrongdoing? Isn't that entrapment? I heard this on Nancy Grace *true....not rue
  12. E

    Did Roger Goodell tell Missouri to take the offseason to see if football is what

    Just checkin in, and I am glad the Browns are not in this one
  13. E

    Do you respect Roger Goodell?

    About as much as I do Obama
  14. E

    With Cleveland losing Pro-Bowler Shaun Rogers, Are their chances of

    Great question, I was thinking about that on my commute into work this morning. I think they just need to string together a couple more wins and they are in...
  15. E

    does anyone in the football section make you scratch your head and laugh?

    I have a short list 2 legit Hamthugger Nighthawk Norry MVP Earle of Bruce Cleveland Browns Angry Fan- (No that isn't me) Florida Gators man dudleydooright44 Hope I didn't leave anyone off the list. You all crack me up