Recent content by ElaineM

  1. E

    crypto Question for VETS?

    All you have to do is have your vet take a look at it down there and they'll answer you on this specific thing. It's not something anyone online can tell you with any reliability.
  2. E

    How do I introduce a new cat to my current cat?

    By keeping the cats separate completely for two weeks. Change out which cat has the run of most of the place, the other cat can be put into a bathroom or the bedroom with the door closed while the new one is out, and vice versa. They need to smell each other till it becomes normal, then a...
  3. E

    how to start argument By the way i dont argue read discription and you'll know what

    You're not undestanding why the teacher is there in the class in the first place. How is an argument going to help you learn?
  4. E

    Good idea for a sci-fi novel?

    They did this in Firefly.
  5. E

    What will the vets do about a dog being sick?

    Take in a poop sample too, so they can check it for worms. They'll do an exam. If they find anything they'll talk to you about what else they need to do to narrow down the reason. A vet doesn't want to drain you of money, they have a reason for every test they do. It's YOUR responsibility to...
  6. E

    Newbie at dogs.. anyone with a dog could answer? prefrebly husky?

    Huskies -- come with known medical problems, google 'husky medical problems' to be aware of what they are. They ALSO have a high prey drive meaning they can and will kill cats they were not raised with. This is not a good thing for the neighbor's pets. They WILL NOT be able to be recalled...
  7. E

    Psychics or witches, ae you able to tell my future?

    Odd, since tarot cards only indicate a snapshot of where you are now and the likely outcomes. Tarot readings don't 'see' further out than 6 months. Your actions affect anything that's further out, it'd be impossible to say with certainty anything about your future past that time at this date.
  8. E

    Tiger Legged Monkey Tree Frog owners?

    What environment do they come from? That's the key. (added) Dude, they're from south american rain forests. Duh. 80% humidity recommended.
  9. E

    Tiger Legged Monkey Tree Frog owners?

    What environment do they come from? That's the key. (added) Dude, they're from south american rain forests. Duh. 80% humidity recommended.
  10. E

    Tiger Legged Monkey Tree Frog owners?

    What environment do they come from? That's the key. (added) Dude, they're from south american rain forests. Duh. 80% humidity recommended.
  11. E

    My DVD player shows av and no picture or sound is it shot?

    Turning on my DVD player, it shows nothing. but av on the upper left screen..Is it shot? Or is there something I may do here. Ah, the turntable does not spin so it is not reading the disk. Happened suddenly, but I think there was a precursor to the problem some things happened mildly over a...
  12. E

    How do I ge tar off my dog's face?

    A bar of soap, a washcloth and patience.
  13. E

    How do I ge tar off my dog's face?

    A bar of soap, a washcloth and patience.
  14. E

    How do I ge tar off my dog's face?

    A bar of soap, a washcloth and patience.