Recent content by EeL1

  1. E

    B&Aers: All right, it's time to be honest.....?

    I'm just about to go to school. I came on here to check my email. :D BQ: You're all awesome. Unless you're a troll or a 'whiner' (what I call the teens who can't take critique etc on here). And I'm guessing most people looking at this question aren't. So you're all awesome.
  2. E

    I want to write an epic high school romance (+BQ)?

    1. What romance cliches really piss you off? Love at first sight, specifically cliche love triangles. I have to go to sixth form now! But I will return to answer the rest later, promise! (Answering to remind myself. Don't repost it again - I'll be back.)
  3. E

    Romeo and Juliet help please this book was confusing?

    Dude, this is simple stuff. If you can't do it you have no hope in passing what I assume is a year five English Literature reading test.
  4. E

    When will justin bieber get his star in the hollywood walk of fame?

    I would rather buy the health insurance from you than let Bieber get on the walk of fame.
  5. E

    Do you think that the conspiracy theory about the Titanic being swapped with the...

    ...Olympic are true? The theory was that they'd been swapped as part of an insurance fraud by the White Star Line Co. I've just watched a programme about it on Sky 3. I don't know if I'm convinced or not, although a lot of the evidence seemed to fit with the theory.
  6. E

    Can you be sued you for backing out of a classified listing sale.?

    Someone has threatened to sue me because i agreed to buy an item on's classified section then about an hour later backed out of the sale because I won the same item on ebay and hadn't realized. ( This person turned out to be a criminal justice Lawyer? He threatened to sue me unless i...
  7. E

    My mom doesn't tell me everything D;?

    you're a bit to young to worry about these things, for someone who can't spell appetite right, it's kind of cute, but please just take care of yourself for now, she'll talk to you when the time is right.