Recent content by Eedward

  1. E

    Is smoking weed/tobacco and drinking bad for my kidneys?

    Cancer causing agents in tobacco smoke damage important genres that control the growth of cells causing them to grow abnormally or too rapidly. Smoking can cause lung cancer, kidney stones, mouth cancer and can start the effects of aging earlier. It stops skin cells to grow which can slow the...
  2. E

    Yoga ..

    Here are some yoga advantages: 1. Yoga increases your body fitness. 2. It makes your body flexible. 3. Yoga helps prevent the build up of lactic acid in people who regularly do aerobic and weight training. 4. It is good to do for weight loss. 5. It increases your metabolism. 6. It's a stress...
  3. E

    Fruits for Diabetes

    There are many good fruits for diabetes patients like cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, water-melon, etc. Using these fruits would prevent high usage of insulin. There are many diabetes drugs and that really works nicely but curing something naturally gives better results as compares to...
  4. E

    Eat Small Portions

    I prefer eating five times a day it does not mean I eat a lot but I convert my big meals into small meals and it is good for health as well. Many good fitness instructors have suggested that we should take our meals into small meals so it would be easy for our stomach to digest food and improves...