Recent content by edwardw

  1. E

    If you had an unlimited budget to host a party...

    screw hosting a party, with unlimited budget, i can finally bring my dream of bloodsucking super mutant aliens that suck the blood out of your kneecaps to life
  2. E

    Top Ninja Master Speaks Out!

    Is that link over on bullshido yet?
  3. E

    Help!!(Physics Resources Required!)

    I've been tutoring someone over the last few weeks for the Edexcel AS paper tomorrow morning. She had the sense to start her revision MORE than a day before the exam
  4. E

    Why do you drink?

    haha your life is pathetic :tup:
  5. E


    My favourite breed are German Shephard Dogs. Gorgeous animals, intelligent, loyal, athletic, capable of pretty much anything you want to do with a dog. Unforunately my yard is not big enough to have one so the next best will be a Staffordshire Bull Terrior that hopefully I will get in the next...
  6. E

    Will people respond to anything?

    An overdraft!
  7. E

    The flash game made for ST.

    I prefer the real life version. :tup:
  8. E

    School boy wears skirt to school

    Why is this news? When I was in High School, we'd call this business as usual. One of my classmates (a guy) wore a skirt on a couple of occasions. Then we there was this girl, a few grades a head of me, whom was barefoot for awhile until the principal told her to put on shoes. She didn't have...
  9. E

    Can I change my v brakes and install disc brakes on my GT all terra mountain bike?

    NO you cannot the fork will not allow it or the seat stay on the frame do not have the mounts for the calliper - they arent there! New wheels would be needed even if you could on the frame , estimated cost (with Tektro aguria comp disc & wheels $400 +/-). Sorry but you cant on this model and I...
  10. E

    where can i find white 27in road bike tires? do they exsist or is black really...

    I think you are reaching on this one....White tires on a road bike? Not gonna happen as far as I know and I have seen my share of road tires and in my years have never seen a white one.
  11. E

    Im considering to buy a diamondback response sport 09'. Is it worth buying this

    Here is some great advise: STOP reading those reviews! If you scan them that is ok otherwise take them with a grain of salt". Reviews are only good after you have used a product yourself and then and ONLY then do they really matter and not all that much because you will develop your own opnion...
  12. E

    Im considering to buy a diamondback response sport 09'. Is it worth buying this

    Here is some great advise: STOP reading those reviews! If you scan them that is ok otherwise take them with a grain of salt". Reviews are only good after you have used a product yourself and then and ONLY then do they really matter and not all that much because you will develop your own opnion...