Recent content by EBs

  1. E

    LGBT: Have you ever blushed because of something someone said on the internet?

    Sometimes. I am not made of stone at all.
  2. E

    Is the a difference between the internet on the iPhone and the internet on the...

    ...iPod Touch? Is the a difference between the internet on the iPhone and the internet on the iPod Touch? If so what are they. I know the iPod Touch is just WiFi but is the iPhone any different? And is one of them better?
  3. E

    knuckle injury from punching walls.?

    I'm 17 yo girl just over 6 months ago I punched a wall especially hard.. All my knuckles bruised but the knuckle above my pinky on my left hand swelled up really big I'm pretty shure it was broken. After that I kept punching things when I lost my angervand sometimes just to watch how amazingly...
  4. E

    Why do I shake so much?

    sometimes i shake when im kinda nervous or when im cold or sometimes randomly
  5. E

    I need a RWC for my 86 toyota corona and any help would b great! does

    anyone know how much it may cost to fix: LH inner brake light, engine oil leak, transmission leak, RH rack boot, front brake hoses and pads, rear brake shoes, rear wheel cylinders and adjust the handbrake??
  6. E

    I love Metrosexual men!?

    I do also! I find it sexy a guy that knows how to dress with style and look clean cut, I don't really prefer muscular men. Usually the type people think are gay because they know how to dress but there not.