Recent content by eaglekeeper_98

  1. E

    Netflix PS3 program claims to offer "thousands of movies streamed to my

    it actually takes alot of work on your part to find films that can be streamed. if you are looking for newer releases, then stop. there are very few of those. i've found tons of movies and tv showsi had been looking for. but you really, REALLY, have to search for them.
  2. E

    A ps3 game better than halo?

    this is entirely subjective. whats better than halo. ask a halo fan what makes halo so good, and they will say it's halo. what an argument. why is halo so loved? because it has 4 player offline competitve, and was one of the first games that you could network. which made it's multiplayer...
  3. E

    DC UNIVERSE ONLINE - Whats better for Ice Skill tree - cyrongenics, iconic...

    ok. here is the deal. your powers are broken down into 3 groups.the first two have to deal with which ever power you took for your character. the iconic powers are simply thefamed abilities of your faveDC heroes. doesnt really matter what you picked for your starting power with these. so lets...
  4. E

    What good Star Wars video games are for PS3 and PS2?

    PS2: star wars: battle front star wars: battle front 2 star wars: bounty hunter you could give star wars starfihghter a shot if you like space combat sims. you get to use force powers as weapons. PS3 star wars: the force unleashed star wars: the force unleashed 2(oct 2010 soul calibur 4...
  5. E

    Does the ps3 fat blue ray drive fit in the ps3 slim?

    the disc drive is the same in both models what makes the slim smaller is the reduction of size in the processor. a more efficient procesor runs cooler, negating the need for a massive shell. sony also removed the larger power source in the fat models with one more akin to the old fat PS2. so...
  6. E

    What is the size of Heavy Rain on the blue ray disk?

    i cant really find any info, but i could have sworn i read somewhere that it was 25-30gb.
  7. E

    How to play games in psp without UMD?

    by 3rd parties. why would sony put something in thier system that would let you play games without the media?
  8. E

    How to play games in psp without UMD?

    by 3rd parties. why would sony put something in thier system that would let you play games without the media?
  9. E

    when can i get the full game of civilization revolution for my xbox 360?

    that game dropped this past thursday. i'm going to fiddle around with the PS3 version tomorrow. just check your local gamestop or where ever you buy your games.
  10. E

    PS3 Question! :D?

    1: i have no idea if it will work through your PS3. 2: push the PS button, then go to controller options, then select contoller 2. that should work.